Genomics and Personalized Medicine
With the cost of genome sequencing plummeting, precision medicine based on a person's unique genetic profile is becoming a reality. But analyzing someone's entire genome to understand their health risks and best treatment options is an enormously complex challenge. Here again, AI is playing a key role by discovering patterns and correlations in genomic data that would be almost impossible for humans to find alone. AI can potentially parse a person's genome and medical records and provide tailored recommendations forifestyle changes, screening tests or customized drug treatments. This "AI assisted precision medicine" has the potential to revolutionize healthcare.

Agricultural Biotechnology
In agriculture, biotechnologists are working to develop new crop varieties with higher yields, greater resistance to pests and harsh climates. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Biotechnology is aiding this effort by analyzing vast amounts of data from fields, experiments and broader conditions over time. It seeks relationships between genetic traits, environmental factors and agricultural outcomes. AI is helping identify the specific genes and combinations thereof that produce desirable characteristics in crops. With its insights, biotechnologists can more efficiently breed new crop hybrids through techniques like genome editing. If successful, this work could help feed a growing global population amidst increasingly unstable conditions due to climate change.

Microbial Gene Discovery
The microbes that inhabit our bodies and environment hold promise for groundbreaking discoveries across biomedicine, green chemistry, biomanufacturing and more. However, the vast majority of microbial genes remain unstudied and their functions unknown. Applying AI to massive databases of microbial genomic and associated experimental data, researchers are gaining new insights into microbial gene functions and interactions. They are learning which microbial strains and genes may enable novel industrial processes or have applications in agriculture, energy production, environmental remediation and more. Such knowledge could accelerate the emerging field known as synthetic biology.

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