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  • Do you want to make money with online writing? Many people do, but then they find that it's a little more complicated than they expect, and they give up. You need an easy process to follow. Here it is.
    1. A Blog Teaches You How to Write for the Web
    Get started by creating a blog. Writing for the web demands that you're familiar with the web itself, and blogging is the easiest way for you become familiar with posting online, and maintaining your own website. (Relax: this is simple, even if you're technologically unskilled. If you can write an email message, you can blog.)
    The big benefit of blogging is that your blog acts as an online portfolio for people who want to hire you to write for them. Your blog will stay online for years to come, sending you clients. It's the easiest form of advertising for writers, because it shows that you can write, and write well.
    2. Create a Free Blog, and Update It Once a Day for a Month
    Although I've recommended this process to many writers, and it's worked for them, the "every day" aspect of blogging can seem a little intimidating. This is invariably because these writers have started their blog about the topic of "writing", or they started their blog as an online journal.
    Remember that the clients who hire you aren't interested in your opinions on writing, nor are they interested in your struggles with writing. They're definitely not interested in your personal life.
    Therefore pick a topic which is unrelated to writing. What do you know about? Perhaps you know about business, technology, or even about digital photography. Choose a topic for your blog which you know well and which can display your writing style.
    There are many sites online which let you create a free blog, Blogger is perhaps the most popular, so you can start there if you wish. You need to update this blog every day for a complete month.
    You don't need to write 800 words a day, writing 100 words is fine. Intersperse your short posts with some posts which are a little bit longer -- 200 to 400 words.
    3. Comment on Others' Blogs
    Once you've created your blog and have a few posts, you can start interacting with the blogosphere by commenting on other peoples blogs. This gives you links back to your own blog, and the people who read your comments will visit your blog.
    Ensure that your comments are worth reading. If you leave dull and boring comments like "great blog!" chances are that your comment will be deleted because they add nothing of value.
    There immense opportunities in online writing and your blog will help you to take advantage of them. All you need to do is start writing.
    Click hare:
    Do you want to make money with online writing? Many people do, but then they find that it's a little more complicated than they expect, and they give up. You need an easy process to follow. Here it is. 1. A Blog Teaches You How to Write for the Web Get started by creating a blog. Writing for the web demands that you're familiar with the web itself, and blogging is the easiest way for you become familiar with posting online, and maintaining your own website. (Relax: this is simple, even if you're technologically unskilled. If you can write an email message, you can blog.) The big benefit of blogging is that your blog acts as an online portfolio for people who want to hire you to write for them. Your blog will stay online for years to come, sending you clients. It's the easiest form of advertising for writers, because it shows that you can write, and write well. 2. Create a Free Blog, and Update It Once a Day for a Month Although I've recommended this process to many writers, and it's worked for them, the "every day" aspect of blogging can seem a little intimidating. This is invariably because these writers have started their blog about the topic of "writing", or they started their blog as an online journal. Remember that the clients who hire you aren't interested in your opinions on writing, nor are they interested in your struggles with writing. They're definitely not interested in your personal life. Therefore pick a topic which is unrelated to writing. What do you know about? Perhaps you know about business, technology, or even about digital photography. Choose a topic for your blog which you know well and which can display your writing style. There are many sites online which let you create a free blog, Blogger is perhaps the most popular, so you can start there if you wish. You need to update this blog every day for a complete month. You don't need to write 800 words a day, writing 100 words is fine. Intersperse your short posts with some posts which are a little bit longer -- 200 to 400 words. 3. Comment on Others' Blogs Once you've created your blog and have a few posts, you can start interacting with the blogosphere by commenting on other peoples blogs. This gives you links back to your own blog, and the people who read your comments will visit your blog. Ensure that your comments are worth reading. If you leave dull and boring comments like "great blog!" chances are that your comment will be deleted because they add nothing of value. There immense opportunities in online writing and your blog will help you to take advantage of them. All you need to do is start writing. Click hare:
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