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  • Eating more sweet increases the blood sugar level. This is harmful to the brain. In this situation, the glucose is not able to reach the brain in the right amount and the brain is not able to function properly, which can also cause memory loss. Sogo has brought teleshopping to Ayurveda. Natural Madhunashini It is an Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes. And this medicine is the best medicine in Ayurveda.Contact Our Expert : - 9027-950-950 , sogoteleshopping1@gmail.com
    Click Here - https://www.sogoteleshopping.com/products/ayurvedic-medicine-for-diabetes
    #ayurvedicmedicine #diabetesmedicine
    Eating more sweet increases the blood sugar level. This is harmful to the brain. In this situation, the glucose is not able to reach the brain in the right amount and the brain is not able to function properly, which can also cause memory loss. Sogo has brought teleshopping to Ayurveda. Natural Madhunashini It is an Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes. And this medicine is the best medicine in Ayurveda.Contact Our Expert : - 9027-950-950 , sogoteleshopping1@gmail.com Click Here - https://www.sogoteleshopping.com/products/ayurvedic-medicine-for-diabetes #ayurvedicmedicine #diabetesmedicine
    Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes - Natural Madhunashini With Free Ilam's Green Tea
    मधुनाशनी का परिचय 1. हर्बल मधुनाशनी अफ्रीका मे पाया जाने वाला एक विशेष पेड़ है। इसकी लकड़ी मे वो औषधिये गुण है जो मधुमेह यानि Diabetes के लिए बहुत ही गुणकारी है। अर्थात ये मधुमेह का नाश करने वाली औषधि है। इसलिए इसका नाम हमारे वैधजनों ने हर्बल मधुनाशनी रखा है। 2. हर्बल मधुनाशनी का सेवन करने से मधुमेह के रोगी को लाभ न हो ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता है। हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है इसमे किसी भी तरह की कोई अन्य सामग्री की कोई मिलावट नहीं की गई है। 3. जैसा हम आपको पहले ही बता चुके है की हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है। इसलिए इसका कोई साइड इफैक्ट भी नहीं है। इसका सेवन करना भी आसान है। इसकी कीमत भी काफी कम रखी गई है ताकि सभी को इसका लाभ मिल सके। 4. अंत मे इसमे किसी भी प्रकार का कोई ऐसा तत्व नहीं है जो हानिकारक हो इसलिए आप इसे बिना किसी संकोच के इसका सेवन कर सकते है Introduction to Madhunashni1. Natural Madhunashni is a special tree found in Africa. Its wood has medicinal properties that are very good for diabetes. That is, it is a Medicine to destroy diabetes. Therefore, our legal persons have named it Natural Madhunashni.2. Herbal Madhunashni is 100% natural, there is no adulteration of any other material in it.3. As we have already told you that Natural Madhunashni is 100% Natural. Therefore, it does not have any side effects. It is also easy to consume. Its price has also been kept very low so that everyone can get its benefits. 4. In the end, there is no element of any kind that is harmful, so you can consume it without any hesitation. In this world full of alterations, toxicity, pressures, and tensions disease like Diabetes is a common thing that is affecting every second person in our society. And it is increasing day by day we seriously need to cope with this disease. And Madhunashini is one such Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes that one can trust blindly. see most of the people prefer Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes as it is herbal and doesn't have any side effects as other chemical drugs and insulin have. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for diabetes in India which not only controls the sugar level of the person but also helps patients to get rid of insulins. it's that sugar ki Dawa which every diabetic person wants. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best sugar levels Controlling the medicine of Ayurveda. so have faith and try Natural Madhunashini. Call Dr. Prashant Kumar @ 9027-950-950 This is not a medicine  It is wooden pieces for controlling sugar level without any medicine  natural way to control sugar Helps in Level 1 and Level 2 Sugar Don't Hesitate  This Ayurvedic product may vary from person to person  उपयोग करने की प्रक्रिया : 1 लीटर पीने के पानी में 2 ग्राम लकड़ी के टुकड़े डालकर उसे 12 घंटे तक भिगो कर रख दे 12 घंटे बाद नेचुरल मधुनाशिनी लकड़ी के औषधिये गुण उस जल में आ जायेंगे , उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल सुबह भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले खाली पेट ग्रहण करे उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल रात भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले ग्रहण करे   Note:- Sogo Teleshopping ही ओरिजिनल प्रोडक्ट सेल करता है  (Sogo Teleshopping Does The Original Product Sale.)
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    Nowadays people are very upset with diabetes, nowadays even young children are witnessing a dangerous disease like diabetes which will have a place in many people in the coming years, it is spreading rapidly with increasing years. At such a time, you can take the help of Ayurvedic medicine and Ayurvedic medicine is very beneficial in this. Call Now - 9027950950 Click Here - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu Click Here - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk
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    With the use of Natural Madhunashini, the risk of lowering blood sugar levels is also less. This drug is basically insulin. Usually, taking insulin or other sugar control medicines also increases the risk of lowering the sugar level in the body, which can endanger the life of the patient. Natural Madhunashini is an Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes and in addition to diabetes, your body also has poor benefits. Coronavirus cases are increasing every day. The death toll from this epidemic is also increasing. Sugar patients are not able to fight coronavirus as compared to common patients. He is dying due to weak immune system. In such a situation, scientists are trying to reduce the virus with available drugs. Similarly, a year-old drug called DME-6 has emerged as an expectation for patients with coronovirus-induced sugar. DME-6 is Ayurvedic medicine for sugar Call Now - 9027950950 Click Here - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu Click Here - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 405 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • In the human body, there are trillions of organisms. The stomach related framework, explicitly, contains great living beings that help to measure and keep up metabolic prosperity. In people who follow unwanted lifestyles and have type-2 diabetes, sound microorganisms, for instance, lactobacillus and bifidobacteria are replaced by grievous life forms.
    Click Here - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu
    Click Here - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk
    In the human body, there are trillions of organisms. The stomach related framework, explicitly, contains great living beings that help to measure and keep up metabolic prosperity. In people who follow unwanted lifestyles and have type-2 diabetes, sound microorganisms, for instance, lactobacillus and bifidobacteria are replaced by grievous life forms. Click Here - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu Click Here - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk
    Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes - Natural Madhunashini With Free Ilam's Green Tea
    मधुनाशनी का परिचय 1. हर्बल मधुनाशनी अफ्रीका मे पाया जाने वाला एक विशेष पेड़ है। इसकी लकड़ी मे वो औषधिये गुण है जो मधुमेह यानि Diabetes के लिए बहुत ही गुणकारी है। अर्थात ये मधुमेह का नाश करने वाली औषधि है। इसलिए इसका नाम हमारे वैधजनों ने हर्बल मधुनाशनी रखा है। 2. हर्बल मधुनाशनी का सेवन करने से मधुमेह के रोगी को लाभ न हो ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता है। हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है इसमे किसी भी तरह की कोई अन्य सामग्री की कोई मिलावट नहीं की गई है। 3. जैसा हम आपको पहले ही बता चुके है की हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है। इसलिए इसका कोई साइड इफैक्ट भी नहीं है। इसका सेवन करना भी आसान है। इसकी कीमत भी काफी कम रखी गई है ताकि सभी को इसका लाभ मिल सके। 4. अंत मे इसमे किसी भी प्रकार का कोई ऐसा तत्व नहीं है जो हानिकारक हो इसलिए आप इसे बिना किसी संकोच के इसका सेवन कर सकते है Introduction to Madhunashni1. Natural Madhunashni is a special tree found in Africa. Its wood has medicinal properties that are very good for diabetes. That is, it is a Medicine to destroy diabetes. Therefore, our legal persons have named it Natural Madhunashni.2. Herbal Madhunashni is 100% natural, there is no adulteration of any other material in it.3. As we have already told you that Natural Madhunashni is 100% Natural. Therefore, it does not have any side effects. It is also easy to consume. Its price has also been kept very low so that everyone can get its benefits. 4. In the end, there is no element of any kind that is harmful, so you can consume it without any hesitation. In this world full of alterations, toxicity, pressures, and tensions disease like Diabetes is a common thing that is affecting every second person in our society. And it is increasing day by day we seriously need to cope with this disease. And Madhunashini is one such Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes that one can trust blindly. see most of the people prefer Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes as it is herbal and doesn't have any side effects as other chemical drugs and insulin have. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for diabetes in India which not only controls the sugar level of the person but also helps patients to get rid of insulins. it's that sugar ki Dawa which every diabetic person wants. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best sugar levels Controlling the medicine of Ayurveda. so have faith and try Natural Madhunashini. Call Dr. Prashant Kumar @ 9027-950-950 This is not a medicine  It is wooden pieces for controlling sugar level without any medicine  natural way to control sugar Helps in Level 1 and Level 2 Sugar Don't Hesitate  This Ayurvedic product may vary from person to person  उपयोग करने की प्रक्रिया : 1 लीटर पीने के पानी में 2 ग्राम लकड़ी के टुकड़े डालकर उसे 12 घंटे तक भिगो कर रख दे 12 घंटे बाद नेचुरल मधुनाशिनी लकड़ी के औषधिये गुण उस जल में आ जायेंगे , उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल सुबह भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले खाली पेट ग्रहण करे उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल रात भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले ग्रहण करे   Note:- Sogo Teleshopping ही ओरिजिनल प्रोडक्ट सेल करता है  (Sogo Teleshopping Does The Original Product Sale.)
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 387 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Natural Madhunashini is the only medicine for diabetes that when taken daily is not only easy to control your diabetes but also from the root. Call Now - 9027950950
    Click Here - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu
    Click Here - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk
    Natural Madhunashini is the only medicine for diabetes that when taken daily is not only easy to control your diabetes but also from the root. Call Now - 9027950950 Click Here - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu Click Here - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk
    Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes - Natural Madhunashini With Free Ilam's Green Tea
    मधुनाशनी का परिचय 1. हर्बल मधुनाशनी अफ्रीका मे पाया जाने वाला एक विशेष पेड़ है। इसकी लकड़ी मे वो औषधिये गुण है जो मधुमेह यानि Diabetes के लिए बहुत ही गुणकारी है। अर्थात ये मधुमेह का नाश करने वाली औषधि है। इसलिए इसका नाम हमारे वैधजनों ने हर्बल मधुनाशनी रखा है। 2. हर्बल मधुनाशनी का सेवन करने से मधुमेह के रोगी को लाभ न हो ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता है। हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है इसमे किसी भी तरह की कोई अन्य सामग्री की कोई मिलावट नहीं की गई है। 3. जैसा हम आपको पहले ही बता चुके है की हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है। इसलिए इसका कोई साइड इफैक्ट भी नहीं है। इसका सेवन करना भी आसान है। इसकी कीमत भी काफी कम रखी गई है ताकि सभी को इसका लाभ मिल सके। 4. अंत मे इसमे किसी भी प्रकार का कोई ऐसा तत्व नहीं है जो हानिकारक हो इसलिए आप इसे बिना किसी संकोच के इसका सेवन कर सकते है Introduction to Madhunashni1. Natural Madhunashni is a special tree found in Africa. Its wood has medicinal properties that are very good for diabetes. That is, it is a Medicine to destroy diabetes. Therefore, our legal persons have named it Natural Madhunashni.2. Herbal Madhunashni is 100% natural, there is no adulteration of any other material in it.3. As we have already told you that Natural Madhunashni is 100% Natural. Therefore, it does not have any side effects. It is also easy to consume. Its price has also been kept very low so that everyone can get its benefits. 4. In the end, there is no element of any kind that is harmful, so you can consume it without any hesitation. In this world full of alterations, toxicity, pressures, and tensions disease like Diabetes is a common thing that is affecting every second person in our society. And it is increasing day by day we seriously need to cope with this disease. And Madhunashini is one such Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes that one can trust blindly. see most of the people prefer Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes as it is herbal and doesn't have any side effects as other chemical drugs and insulin have. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for diabetes in India which not only controls the sugar level of the person but also helps patients to get rid of insulins. it's that sugar ki Dawa which every diabetic person wants. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best sugar levels Controlling the medicine of Ayurveda. so have faith and try Natural Madhunashini. Call Dr. Prashant Kumar @ 9027-950-950 This is not a medicine  It is wooden pieces for controlling sugar level without any medicine  natural way to control sugar Helps in Level 1 and Level 2 Sugar Don't Hesitate  This Ayurvedic product may vary from person to person  उपयोग करने की प्रक्रिया : 1 लीटर पीने के पानी में 2 ग्राम लकड़ी के टुकड़े डालकर उसे 12 घंटे तक भिगो कर रख दे 12 घंटे बाद नेचुरल मधुनाशिनी लकड़ी के औषधिये गुण उस जल में आ जायेंगे , उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल सुबह भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले खाली पेट ग्रहण करे उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल रात भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले ग्रहण करे   Note:- Sogo Teleshopping ही ओरिजिनल प्रोडक्ट सेल करता है  (Sogo Teleshopping Does The Original Product Sale.)
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  • https://delhi.in.locan.to/ID_4801196445/Ayurvedic-Product-in-Sogo-Teleshopping.html
    Ayurvedic Product in Sogo Teleshopping, New Delhi
    Although we take medicine for most of the diseases, what do you know that apart from medicine, every disease is also treated. … view this ad now!
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    Online ayurvedic medicine in india - Sogo Teleshopping Online ayurvedic medicine in india - Sogo Teleshopping Delhi is the best city. It has the best hospitals and good medicines. But in today's time, people are very busy. And they reduce food intake. And there is a problem with diabetes. In this way, SogoTeleshopping has brought Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. Which does no harm to the body and helps to keep you healthy. Call Now - 9027950950 Click Here - https://www.sogoteleshopping.com/products/ayurvedic-medicine-for-diabetes
    Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes - Natural Madhunashini With Free Ilam's Green Tea
    मधुनाशनी का परिचय 1. हर्बल मधुनाशनी अफ्रीका मे पाया जाने वाला एक विशेष पेड़ है। इसकी लकड़ी मे वो औषधिये गुण है जो मधुमेह यानि Diabetes के लिए बहुत ही गुणकारी है। अर्थात ये मधुमेह का नाश करने वाली औषधि है। इसलिए इसका नाम हमारे वैधजनों ने हर्बल मधुनाशनी रखा है। 2. हर्बल मधुनाशनी का सेवन करने से मधुमेह के रोगी को लाभ न हो ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता है। हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है इसमे किसी भी तरह की कोई अन्य सामग्री की कोई मिलावट नहीं की गई है। 3. जैसा हम आपको पहले ही बता चुके है की हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है। इसलिए इसका कोई साइड इफैक्ट भी नहीं है। इसका सेवन करना भी आसान है। इसकी कीमत भी काफी कम रखी गई है ताकि सभी को इसका लाभ मिल सके। 4. अंत मे इसमे किसी भी प्रकार का कोई ऐसा तत्व नहीं है जो हानिकारक हो इसलिए आप इसे बिना किसी संकोच के इसका सेवन कर सकते है Introduction to Madhunashni1. Natural Madhunashni is a special tree found in Africa. Its wood has medicinal properties that are very good for diabetes. That is, it is a Medicine to destroy diabetes. Therefore, our legal persons have named it Natural Madhunashni.2. Herbal Madhunashni is 100% natural, there is no adulteration of any other material in it.3. As we have already told you that Natural Madhunashni is 100% Natural. Therefore, it does not have any side effects. It is also easy to consume. Its price has also been kept very low so that everyone can get its benefits. 4. In the end, there is no element of any kind that is harmful, so you can consume it without any hesitation. In this world full of alterations, toxicity, pressures, and tensions disease like Diabetes is a common thing that is affecting every second person in our society. And it is increasing day by day we seriously need to cope with this disease. And Madhunashini is one such Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes that one can trust blindly. see most of the people prefer Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes as it is herbal and doesn't have any side effects as other chemical drugs and insulin have. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for diabetes in India which not only controls the sugar level of the person but also helps patients to get rid of insulins. it's that sugar ki Dawa which every diabetic person wants. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best sugar levels Controlling the medicine of Ayurveda. so have faith and try Natural Madhunashini. Call Dr. Prashant Kumar @ 9027-950-950 This is not a medicine  It is wooden pieces for controlling sugar level without any medicine  natural way to control sugar Helps in Level 1 and Level 2 Sugar Don't Hesitate  This Ayurvedic product may vary from person to person  उपयोग करने की प्रक्रिया : 1 लीटर पीने के पानी में 2 ग्राम लकड़ी के टुकड़े डालकर उसे 12 घंटे तक भिगो कर रख दे 12 घंटे बाद नेचुरल मधुनाशिनी लकड़ी के औषधिये गुण उस जल में आ जायेंगे , उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल सुबह भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले खाली पेट ग्रहण करे उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल रात भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले ग्रहण करे   Note:- Sogo Teleshopping ही ओरिजिनल प्रोडक्ट सेल करता है  (Sogo Teleshopping Does The Original Product Sale.)
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  • https://sogo1-universe.tumblr.com/post/639377526899294208/ayurvedic-medicine-at-best-price-in-sogo
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    Diabetes is a serious disease that has become common in today's time. This is due to the changing lifestyle and food of the people. Its patients have to take special care of their diet. There are many things that they have to avoid. Sogo Teleshopping brought Ayurvedic medicine called Natural Madhunashini to control diabetes, it is an Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. And DME-6 is also available. This drug is also an Ayurvedic medicine for sugar. Both of these medicines are easily available to you from Sogo Teleshopping online. Call Now - 9027950950 Click Here - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu Click Here - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk #AyurvedicMedicine #DiabetesMedicine
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 622 Vue 0 Aperçu
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    Diabetes patients are frequently encouraged to stay away from parabolic and sugar-containing spices as they are known to build glucose levels. There are numerous new natural products to be eaten in each season. In such a circumstance, winters are incredible for a diabetes diet, since organic products for diabetes are helpful in winter. Furthermore, presently on the off chance that you need to dispose of diabetes, at that point take Regular Madhunashini, it is Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. To control glucose levels it is essential to deal with some significant things. Individuals with diabetes are in danger of contamination because of the powerless resistant framework and such individuals may take more time to refocus. Presently there is no should fear sugar to such an extent. Sogo online shopping brought a DME-6 tablet. This medication is extremely modest and is effectively accessible in Sogo mail-order shopping. It is Ayurvedic medicine for sugar. Call Now - 9027950950 Click Now - http://bit.ly/2G4PGWu Click Now - http://bit.ly/3o7piMk
    Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes - Natural Madhunashini Orange (Wooden piece only) With Free Ilam's Green Tea
    मधुनाशनी का परिचय 1. हर्बल मधुनाशनी अफ्रीका मे पाया जाने वाला एक विशेष पेड़ है। इसकी लकड़ी मे वो औषधिये गुण है जो मधुमेह यानि Diabetes के लिए बहुत ही गुणकारी है। अर्थात ये मधुमेह का नाश करने वाली औषधि है। इसलिए इसका नाम हमारे वैधजनों ने हर्बल मधुनाशनी रखा है। 2. हर्बल मधुनाशनी का सेवन करने से मधुमेह के रोगी को लाभ न हो ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता है। हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है इसमे किसी भी तरह की कोई अन्य सामग्री की कोई मिलावट नहीं की गई है। 3. जैसा हम आपको पहले ही बता चुके है की हर्बल मधुनाशनी 100% प्रकृतिक है। इसलिए इसका कोई साइड इफैक्ट भी नहीं है। इसका सेवन करना भी आसान है। इसकी कीमत भी काफी कम रखी गई है ताकि सभी को इसका लाभ मिल सके। 4. अंत मे इसमे किसी भी प्रकार का कोई ऐसा तत्व नहीं है जो हानिकारक हो इसलिए आप इसे बिना किसी संकोच के इसका सेवन कर सकते है Introduction to Madhunashni1. Natural Madhunashni is a special tree found in Africa. Its wood has medicinal properties that are very good for diabetes. That is, it is a Medicine to destroy diabetes. Therefore, our legal persons have named it Natural Madhunashni.2. Herbal Madhunashni is 100% natural, there is no adulteration of any other material in it.3. As we have already told you that Natural Madhunashni is 100% Natural. Therefore, it does not have any side effects. It is also easy to consume. Its price has also been kept very low so that everyone can get its benefits. 4. In the end, there is no element of any kind that is harmful, so you can consume it without any hesitation. In this world full of alterations, toxicity, pressures, and tensions disease like Diabetes is a common thing that is affecting every second person in our society. And it is increasing day by day we seriously need to cope with this disease. And Madhunashini is one such Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes that one can trust blindly. see most of the people prefer Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes as it is herbal and doesn't have any side effects as other chemical drugs and insulin have. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best ayurvedic Medicine for diabetes in India which not only controls the sugar level of the person but also helps patients to get rid of insulins.its that sugar ki Dawa which every diabetic person wants. Natural Madhunashini is one of the best sugar levels Controlling the medicine of Ayurveda. so have faith and try Natural Madhunashini. Call Dr. Prashant Kumar @ 9027-950-950 This is not a medicine  It is wooden pieces for controlling sugar level without any medicine  natural way to control sugar Helps in Level 1 and Level 2 Sugar Don't Hesitate  This Ayurvedic product may vary from person to person  उपयोग करने की प्रक्रिया : 1 लीटर पीने के पानी में 2 ग्राम लकड़ी के टुकड़े डालकर उसे 12 घंटे तक भिगो कर रख दे 12 घंटे बाद नेचुरल मधुनाशिनी लकड़ी के औषधिये गुण उस जल में आ जायेंगे , उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल सुबह भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले खाली पेट ग्रहण करे उस 1 लीटर जल में से 50 मिली लीटर जल रात भोजन करने से 1 घंटा पहले ग्रहण करे   Note:- Sogo Teleshopping ही ओरिजिनल प्रोडक्ट सेल करता है  (Sogo Teleshopping Does The Original Product Sale.)
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