Hello, my name is Rose. I have completed my engineering degree from USA University. Currently, I am working as an Associate. Originally from the USA, I bring a diverse background and a unique perspective to my work. My engineering education has equipped me with strong analytical and problem-solving skills, and I am passionate about applying these skills to real-world challenges. As an Associate, I am committed to continuous learning and contributing effectively to my team and organization.
  • 6 Δημοσιεύσεις
  • 3 τις φωτογραφίες μου
  • 0 Videos
  • Developer στο DevOpsSaga
  • ζει στην new york,USA
  • Από New York,USA
  • σπούδασε B.E στο new york university
    Class of engineering
  • μόνος
  • 16/12/1995
  • ακολουθείται από 0 μέλη
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