Drive AS400 Modernization Efficiency with Microservices Frameworks
Legacy AS400 applications usually possess a monolithic architecture. Such architecture makes it difficult to scale and maintain AS400 applications in the long term. However, by leveraging microservices frameworks, the monolithic architecture of AS400 applications can be transformed into microservices (modular) architecture. This facilitates easy scaling, up-gradation, and maintenance of AS400 apps. By reading this blog, the role of microservices frameworks in AS400 modernization and benefits can be easily understood.
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Drive AS400 Modernization Efficiency with Microservices Frameworks
Legacy AS400 applications usually possess a monolithic architecture. Such architecture makes it difficult to scale and maintain AS400 applications in the long term. However, by leveraging microservices frameworks, the monolithic architecture of AS400 applications can be transformed into microservices (modular) architecture. This facilitates easy scaling, up-gradation, and maintenance of AS400 apps. By reading this blog, the role of microservices frameworks in AS400 modernization and benefits can be easily understood.
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