Issues like payment failure and unauthorized charges are quite normal on Cash App. But, with the help of Cash App dispute, you can resolve almost all kind of issues with ease of mind. Also, if you can't get refund from Cash App, then also you must think of doing the Cash App dispute. To dispute a Cash App payment all you have to do is just go through the profile section and scroll all the way down. You will find contact support button. Select it and follow the steps as mentioned in this post:
Issues like payment failure and unauthorized charges are quite normal on Cash App. But, with the help of Cash App dispute, you can resolve almost all kind of issues with ease of mind. Also, if you can't get refund from Cash App, then also you must think of doing the Cash App dispute. To dispute a Cash App payment all you have to do is just go through the profile section and scroll all the way down. You will find contact support button. Select it and follow the steps as mentioned in this post: