Dragon Ball Super introduced the concept of a multiverse, significantly expanding the lore of the series. The multiverse consists of twelve universes, each with its own unique warriors and gods. The Tournament of Power, a multiverse tournament organized by Zeno, the Omni-King, showcases some of the most powerful fighters from across these universes. This expansion has added depth and endless possibilities to the Dragon Ball storyline. #DragonBallMultiverse #TournamentOfPower #Universe7 #Zeno #DragonBallSuper
Dragon Ball Super introduced the concept of a multiverse, significantly expanding the lore of the series. The multiverse consists of twelve universes, each with its own unique warriors and gods. The Tournament of Power, a multiverse tournament organized by Zeno, the Omni-King, showcases some of the most powerful fighters from across these universes. This expansion has added depth and endless possibilities to the Dragon Ball storyline. #DragonBallMultiverse #TournamentOfPower #Universe7 #Zeno #DragonBallSuper https://thedragonballz.com/posters/trunks-poster/
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