Roctavian: Biomarin’s First Gene Therapy For Hemophilia A Makes Headway
People with hemophilia A have a mutation in the gene responsible for producing factor VIII, a protein that stops bleeding by helping the blood form clots. BioMarin’s new gene therapy for hemophilia A, Roctavian, delivers a functional factor VIII gene to the body to help it produce the clotting factor by itself.
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People with hemophilia A have a mutation in the gene responsible for producing factor VIII, a protein that stops bleeding by helping the blood form clots. BioMarin’s new gene therapy for hemophilia A, Roctavian, delivers a functional factor VIII gene to the body to help it produce the clotting factor by itself.
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Roctavian: Biomarin’s First Gene Therapy For Hemophilia A Makes Headway
People with hemophilia A have a mutation in the gene responsible for producing factor VIII, a protein that stops bleeding by helping the blood form clots. BioMarin’s new gene therapy for hemophilia A, Roctavian, delivers a functional factor VIII gene to the body to help it produce the clotting factor by itself.
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