Sajilomeds is an online pharmacy based in Nepal. It delivers all over Nepal and is an effortless online store. To order all you need to do is register your account using your phone number, browse through the variety of products, add to the cart and make the payment. Sajilomeds offer you both cod and fonepay according to your convenience. The order is on your way and you can receive it in 1-2 working days.
It can be your go-to online pharmacy store for all your medical needs- be it your regular medicines or any type of medication. We also offer a wide variety of products for safety essentials, skincare, baby care, nutrition, and supplements.
We offer you products from highly trusted brands like Dabur Nepal, Himalaya, Mama earth, M. caffeine, lotus, and so on.
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Sajilomeds is an online pharmacy based in Nepal. It delivers all over Nepal and is an effortless online store. To order all you need to do is register your account using your phone number, browse through the variety of products, add to the cart and make the payment. Sajilomeds offer you both cod and fonepay according to your convenience. The order is on your way and you can receive it in 1-2 working days. It can be your go-to online pharmacy store for all your medical needs- be it your regular medicines or any type of medication. We also offer a wide variety of products for safety essentials, skincare, baby care, nutrition, and supplements. We offer you products from highly trusted brands like Dabur Nepal, Himalaya, Mama earth, M. caffeine, lotus, and so on. #health #medicines #onlinemedicines #onlinepharmacy #medicinesdeliveringapp #kathmandu #pokhara #birgunj For more details follow
Sajilo Meds - Nepal's best Online Pharmacy | Beauty and Skin care | Health Care
Sajilomeds is one of the best online pharmacy in nepal, Order prescription/OTC medicines online. Cash on Delivery. FREE Delivery on orders above Rs.500 inside ringroad.
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