FIME Miami is Back in 2024
19 Jun 10:00 AM to 21 Jun 10:00 AM
One of the most awaited annual healthcare events in America, the Florida International Medical Expo (FIME) is coming live in 2024 from June 19-21 at the prestigious Miami Beach Convention Center. It is a premier medical trade show that invites healthcare professionals, traders, investors, manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors under one roof. FIME Miami is a platform that brings learning and business opportunities under one umbrella. Besides this, it also sets a great stage for new product launches and innovative start-ups to showcase their cutting-edge products & technologies and learn from the experiences of seasoned industry leaders. Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., a renowned orthopedic manufacturer from India, is also a regular exhibitor at the FIME Medical Expo. You can explore Siora’s range of advanced orthopedic implants & instruments at booth X21.
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