Ambien is available as the brand name for Zolpidem and is primarily used to treat sleeping problems temporarily. Ambien reduces the sleep onset time by about 15 minutes, and when taken at large doses, Ambien helps people stay asleep longer. This drug is available in oral spray, conventional tablets, or sublingual tablets. Ambien must be taken by mouth. Guidelines suggest that Ambien medication should be used only after implementing behavioral changes, like sleep hygiene and cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.
  • 3 Yazı
  • 1 Fotoğraflar
  • 0 Videolar
  • Pharmacy saat USA
  • Hayatımızda New York, NY, USA
  • Kimden New Orleans, LA, USA
  • Single
  • 17/07/1996
  • Ardından: 0 people
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