Brain training is the process of giving  new activities to get practiced daily. It may sound that it takes a lot of time ,but actually it does not require more time, instead it needs daily practice. These short types of activities will sharpen your mind if you do it regularly.

 Your thoughts will define you. Your thought process has a major role in your success and wealthy life. The right brain training will lead your life to success. And interestingly you can change your mind whenever you want. It's about how positively you think and act. Training your brain is not like eating cake. You need to change your thought patterns and motivate your brain daily until it becomes a habit. Hence it is very challenging for your brain at the initial stage.

Follow below steps to sharpen your brain :

Before knowing the seven ways ,there are three common basic factors which are compulsory in brain training.

Focus on one activity :

Important thing while training your brain is, you should not do many activities at a time. You should focus on only one thing and once it becomes a habit you can start a new activity to train. Make a clear plan that you need to work only at one activity at least a month until it becomes a habit. Practice slowly without getting any distractions and complete the task without keeping pending. Procrastination will ruin the training.

Meditate :

Meditating is the process of waking up to your true potential. Meditation is one of key factors for memory improvement techniques. In this meditation process the brain gets clear vision and trains to concentrate on one thing. For getting proper meditation you can join any meditation class. 

Solve complex problems :

Complex problems will be more challenging one for the brain to accept at the initial stage. In general, solving problems will act as Concentration exercises for students. Solving problems like puzzles, number series problems, maths calculations etc will sharpen your brain.

Above said are basic steps to train your brain. The main thing is that you should do every activity consistently without fail.