Just as you have different types of tyres available in the market, did you know that there are types of tyre wear? Yes, the tyre wearing also has specific patterns and more than just one or two. This is not something vehicle owners bother about all the time, but knowing the different wearing patterns can actually put enough light on the tyre problems of your car and what results in such wearing. Tyre patterns say a lot about your driving habit, driving conditions and if there is any problem with them causing such wearing. So, in order to know your car and its warning signs that confirm the tyre health, having some knowledge about the different wear patterns is necessary and helpful.


Talking of tyre wear it happens mostly to the treads as that is the part that comes in constant contact with the road and hence friction results into its wearing. But a little bit of wearing is normal and necessary too, as long as it stays within the calculated limit. In case there is an unnecessary and fast tread wear then that is a sign of a problem. 


Tyre Tread Wear Pattern

First things first, so even before knowing ow to read tyre wear it is absolutely essential that your Car Tyres Leicester are checked regularly for wear and tear. Not just that but it also requires proper tyre servicing from time to time. Most importantly even if you understand what is causing your tread wear from the basic knowledge you gain from here, make sure the tyres are checked by tyre professionals before any repair work or any other kind of solution method is executed. This is important for ensuring yours and your car’s safety. Now let us dive into the types of wear designs.


Sidewall Wear- Usually the kind of damage that is seen on the sidewall of your tyres is an outcome of the parking habit and position of your car. This might be surprising to a number of people but it is a fact as it is mostly seen in the urban cars. Urban cars need to do street parking which often forces you to park hurriedly and into a small gap. So, if your tyres have sidewall wear this indicates that you might be parking too close to the curb of the pavement and hence the friction with the side of your tyre.


One Side Wear- If there is a tread wear on just one side of your tyre, then it is a sign that your car tyres are not aligned properly. When the alignment of tyres and wheels are not the way it should be, it puts more pressure on one side more than others which results into the wearing of either the outer or inner portion of the tyre of just one side.


Flat Spot Wear- When you push the brakes too hard and sudden to make an emergency stop, such kind of wear is possible to occur in your tyres. A certain part of the tyre tread wears off and becomes almost flat, due to excessive friction at once. But sometimes it is also caused by a prolonged brake issue which probably goes ignored or unnoticed. 


Cupping- When there is a problem with the shock absorbers of your vehicle it affects your Van Tyres Leicester adversely and as a result cupping might take place. Cupping is a kind of tyre wear that looks as if scoops of your tyre treads are taken out. 


These are just a few of the tyre wear patterns which can trouble your vehicle a lot as they are quite common. But timely repair and regular servicing of your tyres can make your lives much better without any unnecessary problem. All kinds of tyre damage can be avoided smoothly in that case.