Hormone replacement therapy can be a transformative treatment for men and women dealing with symptoms of andropause or menopause. Despite the potential benefits, many people are unsure how to start HRT.

Understanding the steps involved in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help clarify the process of restoring hormonal balance. Below, we outline the common symptoms leading individuals to consider HRT and explain how the treatment process works.

Are You a Candidate for HRT?
Hormonal imbalances often present through various symptoms that impact daily life. You might be a good candidate for HRT if you experience fatigue, reduced stamina, diminished sexual interest, or difficulty concentrating. In men, these symptoms could indicate low testosterone, while for women, they typically arise as estrogen levels drop during perimenopause or menopause. A helpful tool to assess whether HRT may be beneficial is a simple questionnaire provided by Rejuvime Medical.

Getting Started with HRT
Although some perceive the process of beginning HRT as complex, Rejuvime Medical offers a straightforward 3-step approach.

During the consultation, a nurse will explain the services offered, answer any questions, and perform blood work. Afterward, a follow-up appointment is arranged where you’ll meet with a medical provider to review the blood test results and discuss your concerns. Based on this information, the provider will create a personalized treatment plan.

The final step is starting treatment, which can be administered at home or in the clinic. The treatment is medically monitored, and follow-up appointments are scheduled to adjust dosages as needed.

Common Questions About Starting HRT

Do I need a blood test for HRT?
Yes, blood tests are essential for creating a personalized treatment plan. These tests establish a baseline of hormone levels and ensure the therapy is safe and effective by maintaining optimal hormone ranges over time.

How do you take HRT?
HRT can be administered in several ways, depending on personal preference and the provider’s recommendation. Common methods include self-injections, topical creams, patches, and slow-release pellets inserted under the skin. The results vary depending on the delivery method.

At what age can you start HRT?
HRT can be started at any age if a hormonal imbalance is diagnosed. Some individuals in their 20s may require treatment for low testosterone. Generally, testosterone levels start to decline after age 30, and most male HRT patients are between 40 and 70. Women typically begin HRT around menopause, usually between ages 45 and 55, though it can be started earlier or later.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for You?
Not everyone with low testosterone or menopause symptoms will require HRT, but for those whose quality of life is affected, it can be an effective solution for restoring balance.