What is High-Risk Pregnancy?

Pregnancy classified as high-risk occurs when there is a higher chance of problems developing before, during, or after delivery for the mother, the fetus, or both. Pre-existing maternal health issues like as diabetes, hypertension, kidney illness, cardiac problems, or autoimmune disorders may be the cause of this increased risk. Preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and carrying multiples are among pregnancy-related conditions that may cause it.


These risks can be further increased by lifestyle choices like drinking alcohol, smoking, and having older mothers (35 or older). To guarantee the best potential outcomes for mother and child, At Sai Speciality Center, who Best Doctor for Pregnancy in Bangalore Dr. Kavitha Lakshmi Easwaran ensures close observation and expert care as necessary.


Symptoms of High-Risk Pregnancy

High-risk pregnancies may present various symptoms indicating potential complications. Common signs include:

  • Pelvic cramps or discomfort
  • Severe or persistent headaches
  • Spotting or bleeding
  • Swelling of the hands, face, or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decreased fetal movement


Causes of High Risk Pregnancy

High-risk pregnancies carry a higher risk of complications for the expectant mother, the fetus, or both. These pregnancies require close observation and special care to get the best results.

High-risk pregnancies are mostly caused by pre-existing mother health issues, lifestyle factors, and pregnancy-related challenges. Illnesses including autoimmune diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and hypertension all significantly increase the risk.

Lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, and advanced maternal age (35 or older) are also linked to increased risk. Multiple pregnancies (twins or more), a history of early delivery, or complications from previous pregnancies are other variables that raise the risk.


High-risk pregnancy diagnosis

Getting the correct care requires a precise diagnosis. A thorough examination is typically performed by the best high-risk pregnancy doctors in Bangalore as part of the diagnostic process. In addition, the doctor might recommend more testing to confirm the diagnosis.

Crucial Diagnostic Tests for High-Risk Pregnancy Blood Tests: Check for illnesses that may impair pregnancy, such as diabetes, infections, and anemia.

Ultrasound: Frequent ultrasound examinations help follow fetal growth and development, monitor amniotic fluid, and identify congenital abnormalities.

The Non-Stress Test (NST) checks that the baby is getting enough oxygen by tracking the infant's heart rate in reaction to movement.

The Biophysical Profile (BPP) evaluates the baby's respiration, heart rate, muscle tone, movements, and amniotic fluid levels by combining an ultrasound and a non-stress test (NST).


High risk Pregnancy Treatment

The primary course of treatment for high-risk pregnancies involves close observation and specialized care. Prenatal exams and routine ultrasounds are crucial for monitoring the developing baby and spotting problems early.

It is advised to make lifestyle adjustments like giving up smoking, having a balanced diet, and getting frequent exercise. Conditions like diabetes or hypertension may require the prescription of medications.

Advanced therapies, such as an early delivery, corticosteroids to accelerate the development of the fetal lung, or hospital bed rest, may be required for serious problems. Getting medical help right away is essential to avoiding complications and getting the best results.


Prevention of High risk Pregnancy

Maintain Good Health:
To lower the risk of a high-risk pregnancy, adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes frequent exercise, a balanced diet, and abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and hazardous substances. We have the best high-risk pregnancy doctors in Bangalore to ensure safe and secured pregnancy.

Handle Pre-existing Conditions
: To reduce complications, take care of long-term health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune illnesses both before and throughout pregnancy.

Seek Early Prenatal Care:
From the start of pregnancy, routine prenatal checkups allow for early risk identification and management, as well as ongoing monitoring of both the mother's and the fetus's health.