Our gastrointestinal tract has two main functions: absorbing nutrients through digestion and removing toxins from the body. But if the functions of the gut are compromised, the absorption takes place incorrectly. Excluded substances start to get absorbed, and bacteria and toxins start to enter the blood. This causes fatigue, bloating, food sensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. A gut health naturopath in Sydney can help you get a healthy digestive system and gut microbiomes. Let us see how.

Talking about digestion:When you contact a gut specialist, they ask you questions about your digestive health, including your eating habits, diet, and bowel movements. It can feel weird to chat about bowel movements, but it is important for your naturopath to know everything to examine your health.

Tests and treatment: If the symptoms of your problem hint toward a major issue, your gut specialist will suggest stool analysis. After the test results, you will be given the right treatment. This can include cutting out foods that irritate bowel function, undergoing a detox, or taking medications for nutrition deficiencies.


Conditions related to sleep and skin are also associated with digestive system dysfunction. Only a naturopath can help you treat your gut issues effectively. Cassandra Hilton is a gut health naturopath in Sydney. Reach out to her website now!