If your trademark application is rejected, here are the top five actions you should consider: 1. Review the Rejection Notice • Purpose: Understand the specific reasons for the rejection. • Action: Carefully read the examination report or rejection notice to identify any issues or objections raised by the trademark office. 2. Consult a Trademark Attorney • Purpose: Get professional advice. • Action: Seek the expertise in brand registration of a trademark attorney to evaluate your case and advise on the best course of action. They can help you understand the reasons for rejection and your options for response. 3. Prepare and File an Appeal • Purpose: Challenge the rejection decision. • Action: Within the specified time frame (usually 2-3 months), prepare and file an appeal to the Trademark Appellate Board or relevant authority. Include arguments and evidence to counter the reasons for rejection. 4. Submit a Request for Reconsideration • Purpose: Address objections without a formal appeal. • Action: If applicable, file a request for reconsideration with additional information, arguments, or amendments to the trademark application to address the issues raised in the rejection. 5. Amend the Application • Purpose: Resolve issues and improve chances of acceptance. • Action: Modify the trademark application to correct any deficiencies noted in the rejection. This might involve changing the design, wording, or the scope of goods/services associated with the trademark. These steps can help you effectively respond to a trademark rejection and increase the likelihood of obtaining registration.
