In 2024, Laravel is still a go-to web development framework that gives developers the right-toned tools to start developing massive web applications. Some of the best practices to better the workflow process when working within Laravel include;


Laravel still remains a powerhouse for web development in 2024. I believe the framework still offers developers the muscle required to create highly scalable and efficient applications. Given the observance, what are the top ten best practices that ought to be understood especially for employers looking for Laravel developers from scratch. The post is intended to assist you;

1. Follow Laravel Coding Standards

Why is it Important: The distinctive objective is to maintain readability and maintainability of the project.

  • Key Practice: How to Follow PSR-2 and uniquely Laravel naming guideline.

  • Tools: PHP_CodeSniffer with Laravel rulesets

2. Master the Usage of Laravel Eloquent ORM

Benefits: It is an Active record implementation that makes interactions with the database much simpler.

  • Best Practices: Avoid N+1 query problems via Eager loading.

  • Tools: Laravel Debugbar to monitor ORM queries.

3. Utilize Testing Preferences within Laravel

  1. Advantage: Importing a culture of testing ensures rigorous testing on applications.

  2. How to Implement: Use PHPUnit for Unit and Laravel Dusk for browsing tests.

  3. Example: Typical test case scenario.

4. Source Dependency Injection

What it is: It allows passing variables to the constructor or a function parameter.

- Implementation Tips: Class dependencies can be managed via service containers.

Case Study: An implement servicer class that can use dependency injection.

5. Implement Middleware to Enhance Security

- Why It’s Important: It secures your app by filtering HTTP requests.

Key Middleware: Authentication, CSRF protection, and rate limiting.

Configuration: steps to create and register custom middleware.

6. Your Routes should be Clean and Organized

- Reason: it makes maintenance and expansibility easier.

Techniques: Group similar routes together and integrate route models bindings.

Example: Codes of best routing practices.

7. Use Configuration and Language Files

- Importance: It is easier to manage the configuration settings and using multi-languages.

How to Use: Making the Config files and using Laravel translation features.

Tips: Configuration settings that can be found dynamically.

8. Optimize your Laravel Application for Performance

- Strategies: Cache, queue the jobs, and compile the assets previously.

Tools: Laravel Horizon, Laravel Mix.

Impact: It speeds up responses and resource consumption.

9. Laravel Ecosystem: Keep Up to Date

- Why: Laravel versions and adds more packages in an ecosystem.

Resources: Laravel News, Laracasts, and the Laravel meeting.

Advantages: Remaining contenders and updated to the latest Laravel features.

10. Conclusion

Sum up the reason for adopting the practices and why Laravel developers are essential to being flourished exclusive laravel projects.