Teeth-whitening strips are an over-the-counter (OTC) solution for lightening the color of your teeth. 

These are accessible in the market and do not require a prescription but certainly, these should be used at home to whiten your teeth. The components in teeth whitening strips may help lighten your shade.

No doubt, teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental operations. As people get older, their teeth turn yellowish. Many people want a whiter smile, so they use whitening strips at home.

How do these work?

The main element in teeth whitening products is peroxide. It works by whitening the spots on teeth. These are capable of whitening both intrinsic and external stains on teeth.

Extrinsic Stains

  • Tea, coffee stains

  • Stains due to smoking

  • Chewing tobacco

Intrinsic Stains

  • Medications-Antibiotics like tetracycline

  • Existence of various dental developing disorders

  • Excess fluoride intake during tooth development 

How to use it?

These are typically used for 30 minutes in a single application. The strip is to be applied twice a week, however the application directions may vary.


  • Although moderate, you may experience dental sensitivity and gum inflammation.

  • Do not leave the strips for a longer length than indicated because this enhances the degree of negative effects.

  • High quantities (>35%) of peroxide in the strips can affect the structure of the tooth.

  • Whitening strips do not lighten the color of artificial teeth or fillings. 

For more information you can refer this blog : https://www.orisdentalcenter.ae/blog/how-effective-are-teeth-whitening-strips

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