Selling HDB in Singapore

Selling your HDB (Housing & Development Board) flat in Singapore can be a significant decision, requiring careful consideration and planning. Whether you're upgrading to a larger home, relocating, or liquidating your assets, understanding the process is crucial to achieving a successful sale.

Why Sell Your HDB Flat?

Upgrading to a Better Home: Many homeowners sell their HDB flats to move into private properties or larger HDB flats.

Relocation: Selling your flat may be necessary if you're moving to a different part of Singapore or abroad.

Financial Gain: Capitalizing on the current property market conditions can provide a substantial return on investment.

Selling HDB in Singapore

Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) and other HDB requirements.

Valuation and Pricing: Obtain a valuation report from HDB and set a competitive selling price.

Engage an Agent: Consider hiring a real estate agent to assist with the selling process and negotiations.

Marketing Your Flat: Use various platforms to advertise your property, including online listings, social media, and property portals.

Viewings and Offers: Arrange viewings for potential buyers and negotiate offers to get the best deal.

HDB Resale Portal: Register your intent to sell on the HDB Resale Portal and follow the necessary procedures.

Legal Documentation: Ensure all legal paperwork is correctly completed and submitted.

Completion: Once all conditions are met, complete the sale and hand over the keys to the new owner.

Expert Assistance for Selling HDB

At Singapore Property Launches, we offer comprehensive services to help you navigate the complexities of selling your HDB flat. Our team of experienced professionals provides personalized guidance to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss your selling needs, reach out to us:


Phone: +65 9684 2263


Visit for detailed insights and assistance with selling your HDB flat in Singapore.