We live in a world where we start and end our day by using Apps. Average people use 3 to 4 apps every day on a routine basis, it may include ordering grocery items, teaching the kids with the help of an application, practicing questions for entrance exams, maintaining budget entries or practicing musical instruments in the form of an app etc. list is endless.

With around four billion smartphone users globally, the market for Mobile App Localization Service has a wide customer base and is pretty diverse. However, to truly access this global audience the developers of the apps need to consider more than just translating the contents and go ahead to localize it.

What is App Localization?

It is the process of localizing the contents of an app so that it adapts with the linguistic, cultural and regulatory requirements of the target demographic. This process involves translating the various components of the application like Input Control, Navigational and Informational.

Benefits of Localizing the Apps

Wider Customer Access: Localizing the app allows you to access and appeal to users in different parts of the globe. By offering App services in multiple languages tailored to the local culture, businesses can significantly increase their user base.

Boosts Downloads: Localization of Products and Services catered to match the local preferences and language trends, helps applications perform better in the regional app stores. This results in higher downloads and better user ratings, ultimately leading to increased revenues.

Competitive Edge: In a highly competitive business market gaining the benefits of localized apps can be a differentiator in your business growth. If your competitors are offering the localized versions of their applications and you aren’t, then you may be exposed to the risk of losing your potential users to them. Therefore, hiring these services can give you a competitive edge.

Improves UX: If you are able to offer your services in a language that the users understand and with cultural references that they value, you can provide them with a sense of familiarity leading to an enjoyable user experience.

Essential Steps in the App Localization Process 

• Researching the Market: The first step in this process involves conducting thorough market research. This helps identify the regions where the app can have the most potential, as well as understand the cultural nuances and preferences of such markets.
Translating the Language: This is the most obvious step in this aspect. Professional translators who are experts in the target language are hired to ensure the accuracy and cultural correctness of the content being translated. They also take help from machine tools to improve the consistency and speed of the project.

Cultural Adjustments: The most important purpose of localizing the app contents is to make it suitable for the target customers. This involves modifying the images, symbols, colors and even humor elements to avoid misunderstandings and offense. 

• Technical Adaptations: The next natural step in this process is to technically adapt the content as per different technical requirements of different regions this may involve adjusting the symbols units of measurement and currency to ensure compatibility with local devices and operating systems.

For instance, many games have the element of monetary rewards and purchases attached to it, so when a gaming company is operating in India it will have to use the Indian currency in its application and use the Chinese Yuan when functioning in China.

Adjusting the UI: UI or the User Interface refers to the layout and design of the application giving the first hand impression to the user. The particular design needs to be accommodated to the target language in which it is being operated. Different languages have different lengths and reading directions. For example, right to left writing pattern is followed for the Arabic language, so a flexible UI will ensure that the users are compatible and comfortable using the application. If you want to learn more about the intricacies of the Arabic language and localizations in Arabic, you can read this interesting piece on All You Need to know About Arabic Web Localization.

Testing for Quality: The final step of the process involves rigorous testing to ensure various quality measures, like Linguistic and functional testing, error free graphics, appropriate cultural references and usability to provide a smooth user experience.


Localizing applications is no longer an additional service, but a prerequisite in today’s globalized marketplace. By tailoring your applications to meet the linguistic, cultural and technical needs of different regions, you can access new opportunities for growth. Language service providers like Somya Translators offer the Best App Localization Services at the most reasonable prices, driving your app’s success on a global level. Get in touch now and avail a free quote!