Faux leather, also known as synthetic leather or pleather, is a popular alternative to genuine leather due to its affordability, versatility, and ethical considerations. However, one common issue with faux leather is its tendency to crack over time, which can significantly reduce its lifespan and aesthetic appeal. This article will explore various methods and techniques to prevent cracking in Faux Leather Fabric, ensuring that your synthetic leather items remain in top condition for years to come.

Understanding Faux Leather

Before diving into prevention methods, it's crucial to understand what faux leather is and why it's prone to cracking. Faux leather is typically made from a fabric or cloth backing covered with a layer of polyurethane (PU) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This synthetic material is designed to mimic the look and feel of genuine leather but lacks the natural properties that make real leather durable and flexible.

Faux leather cracks primarily due to the loss of plasticizers over time, which are chemicals added to the material to make it soft and pliable. As these plasticizers evaporate or break down, the fabric becomes brittle and prone to cracking, especially in areas subject to frequent bending or stress.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

One of the most effective ways to prevent cracking in faux leather is through regular cleaning and maintenance. Dirt, dust, and oils from skin contact can accumulate on the surface, leading to degradation of the material over time. To clean faux leather:

  1. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the surface gently.

  2. For tougher stains, use a mild soap solution, being careful not to oversaturate the material.

  3. Dry the surface immediately with a clean, soft cloth.

  4. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the synthetic surface.

Regular cleaning not only keeps your faux leather looking fresh but also removes potentially harmful substances that could contribute to cracking.

Proper Conditioning

While faux leather doesn't absorb conditioners the same way genuine leather does, applying a suitable conditioner can help maintain its flexibility and prevent cracking. Look for conditioners specifically designed for synthetic leather or vinyl. These products often contain UV protectants and plasticizer-like compounds that can help replenish the material's flexibility.

To condition faux leather:

  1. Clean the surface thoroughly and allow it to dry completely.

  2. Apply a small amount of conditioner to a soft cloth.

  3. Gently work the conditioner into the surface using circular motions.

  4. Allow the conditioner to penetrate for a few minutes, then buff off any excess with a clean cloth.

Conditioning your faux leather items every 3-6 months can significantly extend their lifespan and maintain their appearance.

Protection from UV Exposure

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight can be particularly damaging to faux leather, causing it to dry out, fade, and crack more quickly. To protect your synthetic leather items from UV damage:

  1. Store items away from direct sunlight when not in use.

  2. Use UV-resistant sprays designed for synthetic materials.

  3. For larger items like furniture, consider using covers or placing them away from windows.

  4. If you have faux leather car seats, use windshield sunshades and consider applying a UV-protective coating.

By minimizing UV exposure, you can significantly reduce the rate at which your faux leather items degrade and crack.

Controlling Temperature and Humidity

Extreme temperatures and humidity fluctuations can accelerate the breakdown of faux leather. High temperatures can cause the material to expand and contract, leading to cracks, while excessive humidity can promote mold growth and material degradation.

To maintain optimal conditions:

  1. Store faux leather items in a cool, dry place.

  2. Use a dehumidifier in damp environments to control moisture levels.

  3. Avoid leaving synthetic leather items in hot cars or direct sunlight for extended periods.

  4. In cold weather, allow faux leather items to warm up gradually to room temperature before use to prevent sudden stress on the material.

By controlling the environment, you can minimize the physical stress on the faux leather and reduce the likelihood of cracking.

Proper Storage Techniques

How you store your faux leather items when they're not in use can significantly impact their longevity. Improper storage can lead to creases, which can eventually turn into cracks. To store faux leather properly:

  1. Hang clothing items on padded hangers to maintain their shape.

  2. Stuff bags and purses with acid-free tissue paper to help them retain their form.

  3. Store items in breathable garment bags or cotton covers to protect from dust while allowing air circulation.

  4. Avoid folding or creasing faux leather items for long periods.

  5. For furniture, use appropriate covers that don't trap moisture.

By implementing these storage techniques, you can prevent unnecessary stress on the material and reduce the risk of cracking.

Avoiding Overstretching and Stress

Faux leather doesn't have the same elasticity as genuine leather, making it more susceptible to damage from overstretching. To prevent stress-related cracking:

  1. Avoid overfilling bags or wallets, which can strain the material.

  2. Be mindful of how you sit on faux leather furniture to prevent excessive stretching.

  3. When wearing faux leather clothing, ensure it fits properly and doesn't pull or stretch excessively during movement.

  4. Use caution when applying leather stretching techniques, as they may not be suitable for synthetic materials.

By being mindful of how you use and wear faux leather items, you can significantly reduce the risk of stress-related cracks forming.

Repairing Minor Damage Promptly

Even with the best preventive measures, small cracks or tears may occasionally appear. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent them from worsening and extend the life of your faux leather items. For minor repairs:

  1. Clean the damaged area thoroughly.

  2. Use a leather repair kit designed for synthetic materials to fill small cracks or tears.

  3. For larger damages, consider professional repair services that specialize in synthetic leather.

  4. Once repaired, apply a conditioner to the area to help blend the repair and maintain flexibility.

Remember that prevention is always easier than repair, but addressing small issues quickly can prevent them from becoming major problems.

Choosing Quality Faux Leather

While this article focuses on maintaining existing faux leather items, it's worth noting that the quality of the synthetic leather you choose can significantly impact its resistance to cracking. When purchasing new faux leather items:

  1. Look for high-quality materials with good reviews for durability.

  2. Check the backing material – a woven fabric backing often provides better durability than a non-woven one.

  3. Consider the intended use – items that will see frequent bending or stress may benefit from more flexible, higher-quality synthetic leather.

  4. Research brands known for producing durable faux leather products.

Investing in higher-quality faux leather from the start can reduce the likelihood of cracking and extend the overall lifespan of your items.


In conclusion, preventing cracking in faux leather fabric requires a combination of regular maintenance, proper care, and mindful use. By implementing these strategies – from regular cleaning and conditioning to proper storage and protection from environmental factors – you can significantly extend the life of your faux leather items. Remember that while synthetic leather may not have the natural durability of genuine leather, with proper care, it can remain attractive and functional for many years. By following these guidelines, you'll be able to enjoy your faux leather items without the frustration of premature cracking, ensuring that they continue to look great and serve their purpose for as long as possible.