Trademark means a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others.

Trademark registration gives you the exclusive right to use your mark for your goods or services. It also lets you stop others from using identical or similar marks that might confuse people. Trademark registration is crucial because you don’t want someone else to register your brand and push you out of the competition.

Protect your brand—don’t let competitors take your identity. Register for your business name, catchy phrases, taglines, captions, and logos to stand out in the market.


Consider the following guidelines when selecting your trademark or brand name:

  1. Variety of Options: A trademark can encompass a word, letter, device, numeral, signature, shape of goods, packaging, or combination of colors, among other elements.
  2. Easy Memorability: Opt for a word that is easy to pronounce, spell, and recall. Ideally, your trademark should be a coined or imaginary word to ensure uniqueness. Avoid common phrases or words to prevent confusion.

  3. Avoid Descriptive Terms: Steer clear of words that praise or directly describe the character or quality of your goods or services. Similarly, refrain from using geographical names that are associated with the reputation or quality of the goods or services.

  4. Conduct Market Research: Before finalizing your trademark, conduct thorough market research to ensure that no identical or deceptively similar marks are already in use. Avoid copying or imitating another person’s trademark, even if the goods or services differ.

  5. Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting a professional trademark agent who can assist in conducting a comprehensive trademark search to verify availability. Additionally, they can help assess various parameters to prevent objections during the trademark registration process, ensuring a smoother journey toward registration.