Injuries and illnesses at sea are especially challenging because you can’t take someone to an emergency room or call an ambulance. Seafarers must rely on their skills and experience to help. First aid training courses are vital for anyone working on a commercial vessel or yacht. In fact, they are required as part of STCW certification. Resolve Academy in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., offers expert safety CPR and first aid training. 

Why take first aid with CPR course? 

 Seafarers face many strenuous conditions in their high-risk careers. The unpredictability of life on the open water only can be combated with knowledge of what can happen and how to respond to emergencies. A first aid with CPR course can save lives. 

Seafarers face many dangers, from sunburn and minor lacerations to heat stroke and heart attacks. Working conditions can be extremely dangerous, and injuries can happen if proper protective gear isn't worn. 

It is important drink enough water because dehydration can happen quickly on a boat or yacht. Second-degree burns, sea sickness, and fainting are common healthcare issues among guests and fellow seafarers that require proper treatment.

Also Read: What is Marine Basic First Aid and Who Needs it?

Many commercial vessels expose seafarers to chemical hazards. Spills can happen during cargo loading and unloading, leading to burns, infections, or respiratory issues. First aid training courses teach seafarers to handle these issues.

Safety CPR and first aid training teaches seafarers to dress wounds and wrap bandages; use external defibrillators; properly initiate CPR; and much more. The courses also teach students how to recognize safety hazards and prevent injuries.

Resolve Academy for First Aid Training Courses

A first aid with CPR course can reduce dangers and save lives in the naturally high-risk environment of life on the sea. Contact Resolve Academy today to find out more about first aid training for seafarers because someone’s life might be in your hands.