Candles with scent have long been treasured for their ability to create a calming and welcoming environment. But not every scented candle is made equally. Natural scented candles are becoming more and more popular, despite the fact that synthetic candles are more accessible and sometimes more economical. There are many strong arguments supporting this desire, from environmental concerns to health issues.

Why Do Some People Prefer Natural Scented Candles Over Synthetic Ones

Health and Well-being

The possible health advantages of natural scented candles are one of the main factors influencing consumer choice. Essential oils are often used to natural candles, which are commonly composed of soy, beeswax, or coconut wax, to provide scent. Since ancient times, essential oils have been used in aromatherapy to improve mood, lessen tension, and encourage relaxation. They are obtained from plants.

Conversely, petroleum-derived paraffin wax is used to make synthetic scented candles, which are infused with artificial scents. Paraffin wax has the potential to burn and emit toxic substances including benzene and toluene, both of which are recognized carcinogens. Furthermore, sensitive people may have headaches, respiratory problems, and skin irritation from artificial smells. People may avoid these possible health hazards and enjoy a fresher, more pleasant aroma by using natural scented candles.

Impact on the Environment

Natural scented candles are preferred due in large part to environmental concerns. Environmental contamination is a result of the use of non-renewable resources in the manufacture of paraffin wax. Furthermore, many of the artificial scents used in these candles include phthalates, which have the potential to be bad for the environment and human health.

In contrast, natural candles are composed of sustainable materials such as coconut oil, beeswax, and soy. These materials have a less environmental impact and are biodegradable. Furthermore, the essential oils used to perfume natural candles come from plants that may be harvested responsibly. Customers may lessen their influence on the environment and promote eco-friendly behaviors by selecting natural candles.

Extraordinary Aroma Quality

The greater quality of natural scented candles' smell is another factor contributing to their popularity. Artificial smells lack the authenticity and subtlety of scents that come from essential oils. Essential oils have a rich perfume that may evoke memories and feelings connected to nature, making the experience more joyful and immersive.

Natural perfumes have depth and richness that synthetic fragrances sometimes lack, despite their ability to produce a broad variety of odors. Some people may find it off-putting because of their strong, artificial scent. Natural scented candles improve the atmosphere without overpowering the senses with a more delicate and pleasant perfume.

Moral Aspects to Take into Account

Many customers also place importance on ethical issues. Small, artisanal companies that place a high value on ethical sourcing and manufacturing methods often manufacture naturally scented candles. These companies often prioritize quality over quantity, use components that are obtained responsibly, and stay away from dangerous chemicals.

In contrast, big businesses that may not place a high priority on ethical behavior usually generate mass-produced synthetic candles. Customers may help small enterprises and promote a more moral and sustainable economy by selecting natural candles.


There are many reasons why people choose natural scented candles over manufactured ones. Natural scented candles, whether bought from a specialized tienda de velas aromáticas or from a local artisan, provide the important advantages listed above. More consumers are looking for natural solutions for their home scent requirements as knowledge of these concerns increases.