What do you think is the point of choosing the best original oratory topics for the speeches that you have to deliver? Well, it is crystal clear that you have to make an impression in front of the judges. Having a personal, entertaining and important topic is great, but if your judge leaves the room with the same uninspired spirit with which he came, then what’s even the point of delivering your speech?  

Keep in mind that a speech that changes the listener should have two qualities: it should be relevant and personal. The best person to choose for crafting a speech is undoubtedly a professional assignment writer with years of experience in crafting quality papers.

Explore this article in detail to know more about the basics and dos/don’ts of selecting original oratory topics for high school. Let’s start with the discussion right away.

How to Select a Topic for Speech? Dos and Don’ts

Alright, so hopefully we are on the same page and you are looking for some good original oratory topics that are both relevant and personal so that they can appeal to the readers. Here are the most helpful dos and don’ts of the procedure of selecting topics; let’s dive deeper into the details.

Dos of Choosing Topics for Original Oratory


1. Pick What Impacted You

the very first tip that you should keep in consideration when picking a topic for speech is all the things that you have learned, advice you have received and the quotes that you have heard. When trying to impact your audience, look at yourself first and consider what topic impacts you the most and what doesn’t sound good enough. That way, you will easily be able to choose what resonates with your personality the most.

2. Review All Your Options

If you feel like something is not clicking on the topic you have chosen, don’t forget that you have the potential to make it interesting for the readers. Every single one of us has been shaped by a combination of individual experiences, relationships and lessons. If you are being honest when telling your story, it goes without saying that you will attract the attention of your audience. That is why, carefully review all the original oratory topics when you can. f

3. Find the Right Scope

As you think about the original oratory speech topics, recall the purpose of your informative and relevant speech and ensure that your topic does justice to the aim of your oration. You have to explain things in front of your audience so ensure that you choose only the work titles that can convey your emotions to the people in the most convenient and convincing way. Finding the right scope of original oratory topics is important for making your voice heard effectively.

1.      Don’t Shy Away from Experimenting

Again, if something feels like it won’t work great as the topic of your speech, you should avoid immediately brushing it off. Sometimes, all you need to do is to tweak a topic to make it fit into a certain format.

For example, you can make a very broad topic a very specific one by polishing the thesis and gist of it. Also, what matters is the way you deliver the speech so do not shy away from experimenting with the delivery styles.

2.      It Should be Informative

When choosing unique original oratory topics, you should keep in mind that your topic needs to be informative for the readers. Apart from being informative, it should have the potential to persuade your audience about the points of view and perspectives you are presenting. You can also pick a highlighted social media issue to shed light on during your speech. Topics like art and music, and minimum wage for workers can spark the interest of your readers.

Don’ts of Choosing Topics for Original Oratory

3.      Don’t Choose a Closed Topic

When looking for unique and original oratory ideas, you should avoid choosing topics that are not passion-free. Ensure to pick something which is rich in content and also relates to you on some personal or professional level. Show the audience that your expertise is solid and your audience shall crave to know more – overall, it shall make a great fit. Keep in mind that there is nothing about the topic as great and impactful as the way you deliver the information.

4.      Not Brainstorming the Possible Topics

Sometimes, students make the mistake of not paying attention to all the available topics they have and, in the end, miss the most suitable original oratory topics. When your tank is full of a domain of ideas, take the time to document and brainstorm all the ideas no matter how wild or ridiculous they may seem at first. If you feel lost during the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to companies that provide assignment help online to students. They will assist you in picking the right topic.

5.      Not Considering the Audience

Sometimes, the orators make the mistake of not paying attention to the preferences of their audience when choosing a speech topic. The original oratory topics should be chosen in a manner that they cater to the interest levels of a large number of audiences. You should find something that your listeners may value and hence take an interest in knowing more about it. That is to say that you should find a common ground between you and your listeners.

6.      Not Identifying the Relevant News

Picking the right one out of all original oratory topics means that it should be relevant to your life and environment overall. That is to say that it should be up to date with the latest news. If there is anything that has been hitting the media headlines, grab the opportunity and make it the topic of your speech. Needless to say, that way, you will be better able to connect with your listeners, and they will be more inclined to listen to you.

7.      Shortlisting the Topics

If you do not shortlist the topics from the start, you will suffer during the crunch time. It goes without saying that it will be best to review the topics from the start and narrow them down to 2 or 3 best ones. You should consider all the factors and be critical when shortlisting those – that way; you will be able to figure out the most relevant title in the list you have. It is advisable to do so in the start because if you don’t, you will feel troubled later on.

How to Research for Original Oratory?

The simplest method to research the original oratory is to open a document in Google Docs or MS Word and link the sources that you have found online. When you enlist the main notes, it will help you track down the sources for your original oratory topics and assist you in maintaining a well-researched oratory. When the evaluation is done, pay attention to the sequence of your arguments and you shall achieve the object of your research.

What Is the Rule of Three in Oratory?

As per Ideas on Stage, the Rule of Three is the most powerful rule in the world of communication and oratory. Your audience will be more likely to retain the information if you present it in the form of a group of 3s. If you offer them one piece of information, it will not be enough and if it is more than three, it will become overwhelming for them. So, you should keep it in your mind when choosing the right original oratory topics.


So, these were the tips and tricks for choosing the best original oratory topics that you must follow during the process. Remember to pick a topic that genuinely interests you and when narrating it to the audience, try to keep it as personal as you can. It will increase the interest of the audience in what you have to say, and you will be better able to convey your points to them in a convincing manner.

If you do not have any experience in choosing the right topics, you can reach out to professional assignment writing services to make the job easier for you. Their expert writers can easily choose the best OO topics for you and play a substantial role in your winning the speech.