One of the most interesting things about college is the spontaneity of lifestyle. The sequence typically begins with acclimatizing into college life after getting used to high school mannerisms.  Then you started to adjust to dorm life and the thrill that comes with it.

Now you’re looking to secure  2 bedroom apartments in Downtown San Diego since you’ve outgrown the dorm style of life. Nevertheless, searching for the perfect place to stay off campus could prove to be a problem.

Below, you’ll get to explore the factors you need to check for when renting your first off-campus apartment.

Security Level

When you stayed on the campus, you didn’t have to worry about how secure it was. A high level of security is the default state of campus living and now you’re looking for your space, you suddenly realize that you need a secure apartment.

The first thing you have to look out for in the neighborhood is that the street and parking lot is well-lit. burglars and other types of criminals tend to avoid areas with bright lights so they don’t get caught. Since you’ll probably be getting home late from school, you need to ensure that your new neighborhood is safe to stay at night.

If you want some sense of familiarity, you can get an apartment in a building that’s styled like a dormitory. These buildings have rooms facing the hallway so that anyone coming to your room would have to get past several other rooms.

Your Prospective Roommate                     

Depending on your budget, you might want to have a roommate. Those who like living alone typically go for studios and 1-bedroom apartments. Nevertheless, if you want to get a bigger space with a roommate, you’ll have to  choose the right roommate.

Don’t just go for a friend because you know them; go for one whose excess you can tolerate. It wouldn’t be nice if the issues that arise from living together ruin a friendship between you and a friend.

The moment you find a potential roommate, you can outline the tasks you guys will have to handle so that you do not get into arguments.

The Cost of Living

Although several people think that living in college teaches them about how to manage money, financial management becomes more pronounced once they start living off-campus.

Before you look for an off-campus apartment, you need to ask your coursemates who live off-campus the potential cost of doing so. If you’re getting an apartment that takes care of your utilities and other bills, you might get an instant idea of how much you’ll be paying monthly.