Annual dinners in Singapore are a fantastic way to celebrate achievements, build relationships, and show appreciation to your team or clients. While the event itself is important, a well-chosen door gift Singapore can leave a lasting positive impression on your guests. However, navigating door gift etiquette can be tricky. Fear not! This guide will equip you with the essential do's and don'ts to ensure your door gifts are a delightful way to end the evening.


1. Consider Your Budget:

Door gifts don't have to be extravagant. Set a realistic budget and focus on quality over quantity.

2. Match the Theme:

If your dinner has a theme, consider incorporating it into your door gift. This shows extra thoughtfulness.

3. Go Local:

Showcase Singaporean culture and support local businesses with unique gifts Singapore. Think artisanal snacks, handmade crafts, or locally-sourced treats.

4. Personalization is a Plus:

Personalized gifts, like engraved mugs or small notebooks with your company logo, add a special touch.

5. Practicality Matters:

Opt for door gifts that can be used or enjoyed, like reusable water bottles, phone stands, or small travel sets.


1. Forget the Dietary Restrictions:

Be mindful of potential dietary restrictions like allergies or vegetarian/vegan preferences. Opt for universally safe options or small gift certificates.

2. Get Too Personal:

Avoid overly personal items like clothing or fragrance. Stick to safe and universally appreciated choices.

3. Skimp on Quality:

Cheap, low-quality gifts can leave a negative impression. Invest in gifts that reflect your appreciation.

4. Self-Promotion Overload:

While a subtle logo on the packaging is okay, avoid door gifts that are solely promotional material.

5. Perishable Items:

Unless it's the end of the night and guests are leaving immediately, avoid perishable food items that might spoil during travel.

By following these simple do's and don'ts, you can select the perfect door gift Singapore that reflects your appreciation and leaves a lasting positive impression on your guests, making your annual dinner a resounding success.