Carrying food items of different kinds in a refrigerated van or truck can be a really good small business and over time it can help you make a tidy sum of money. But you need to be very careful because when you are carrying food items of any kind, you have a responsibility to maintain good hygiene in the vehicle both to the people that will consume the food as well as the vehicle itself as lack of hygiene will attract rodents that can cause a lot of damage to the truck with refrigeration.

This becomes especially important in case of a bakery food truck which will generally be carrying a lot of sugary and sweet products which are not only absolutely a rodent magnet but also rather corrosive in many cases. The following are some tips for maintaining good hygiene in the vehicle. 

Develop a Cleaning Plan

First of all, you need to make a proper cleaning schedule for the truck with refrigeration. Ideally this should be a three stage plan. A daily cleaning plan for the easy to access and most used parts of the vehicle. This should be done religiously first thing in the morning. Second stage is a mid level cleaning plan which you should schedule for once a month or once every two months depending upon the nature of items you are carrying.

Medicines and bakery food truck should be cleaned monthly while others can do it once every two months. Then there should be an annual plan which should be a very deep cleaning process. Ideally this should coincide with other vehicle maintenance activities like oil change and suspension and transmission checks so you can avoid double downtime.  

Decide the Cleaning Agents to Use

There are a number of cleaning solutions and chemicals available in the market to sanitize your vehicle. You need to decide which will be the best use with your business case. For example, if you are involved in the delivery of food items, you should only use human safe and poison free cleaning agents. Rodent killers may seem like a good choice but avoid using them as much as you can because they are poisonous. There are a number of herbal and natural as well as non-poisonous cleaning agents available in the market which can be used for cleaning the vehicle as well as the fridge installed in the truck. 

Regular Monitoring for Mold, Dirt or Debris

Proper monitoring and cleaning of vehicles like bakery food truck is very important with the focus of preventing any growth or accumulation of mold or dirt and debris of any kind. Since bakery goods are edible, they attract a lot of germs and microorganisms. These can create a lot of health issues if someone consumes food which gets contaminated. Along with the immense exposure to a lot of potential legal risk, there is just a lot of good will that such an incident can create. So, it is very important that the truck with refrigeration be regularly monitored and cleaned for any mold, dirt or debris. 

Regular Inspection of the Refrigeration System

Along with the regular scheduled cleaning activities, it is very important that special attention be paid to cleaning and maintenance of the refrigeration system. There are a number of coils, ducts, hoses etc. which need to be properly cleaned and maintained.

 You should ensure that they are well covered and kept protected from exposure to other things, especially corrosive items. Since they are involved in keeping things cold, they also tend to collect a lot of moisture which needs to be wiped off and surfaces cleaned regularly. Otherwise, they may get very greasy and dirty over time leading to refrigerant leaks.