Introduction: As e-commerce continues to expand globally, businesses face the challenge of catering to diverse customer bases while navigating regional regulations and preferences. The Country Restriction for WooCommerce plugin by Addify offers a comprehensive solution by allowing businesses to implement country-level restrictions on products and categories. In this blog, we'll delve into the importance of implementing country restrictions, introduce the Country Restriction for WooCommerce plugin, and explore its key features and benefits.

Why it is Needed: In the dynamic landscape of e-commerce, catering to specific geographic regions is essential for success. Businesses often encounter challenges related to legal compliance, shipping restrictions, and product availability. Implementing country restrictions enables businesses to tailor their offerings to different markets, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure regulatory compliance. The Country Restriction for WooCommerce plugin addresses these needs by providing a flexible and intuitive solution for managing country-specific restrictions.

Overview of Country Restriction for WooCommerce Plugin by Addify: Developed to meet the demands of a globalized marketplace, the Country Restriction for WooCommerce plugin offers a range of features to empower store owners. Key highlights include:

  • Individual Country Restrictions: Apply various restrictions for different countries individually, allowing businesses to comply with local regulations and preferences seamlessly.

  • Product and Category Restrictions: Hide specific products and categories based on country settings, enabling businesses to tailor their offerings to specific markets and customer segments.

  • Customizable Display Options: Hide product prices, Add to Cart buttons, and payment methods based on country settings, providing a personalized shopping experience for international customers.

  • Error Handling and Redirection: Redirect users to alternative pages or display error messages when they attempt to access restricted content, ensuring a seamless browsing experience and preventing frustration.

Pricing: The Country Restriction for WooCommerce plugin is available at an affordable price of $5.75 per month, billed annually at $69. This package includes 1 year of free support, extension updates, and a 30-day money-back guarantee, making it a valuable investment for businesses of all sizes.


Q.1) Can I apply different restrictions for different countries?

Ans) Yes, the plugin allows you to apply various restrictions for different countries individually, providing flexibility in managing regional preferences and regulations.

Q.2) Can I hide specific products and categories based on country settings?

Ans) Absolutely! You can hide specific products and categories based on country settings, allowing you to tailor your offerings to different markets and customer segments seamlessly.

Q.3) Is there a feature for error handling and redirection?

Ans) Yes, the plugin offers error handling and redirection features, allowing you to redirect users to alternative pages or display error messages when they attempt to access restricted content, ensuring a seamless browsing experience.


In conclusion, the Country Restriction for WooCommerce plugin by Addify is a valuable tool for businesses looking to optimize their operations in a global marketplace. By offering country-level restrictions for products, categories, and pricing, this plugin enables businesses to tailor their offerings to specific markets, comply with regional regulations, and enhance the overall customer experience. With its robust features, seamless integration, and affordable pricing, the Country Restriction for WooCommerce plugin is an essential asset for any WooCommerce store looking to expand its reach and improve customer satisfaction