The pertinence of Slashing in modern agriculture

From ancient ages, man has brought wild land under his control to use for the development and benefit of humans. With a growing population, humans require more land to grow more food, to feed the mouths in their community, and later for business. Ancient humans could turn their attention to business, trade, education, and politics when they had enough and surplus food for consumption. As a result, from the earliest times, humans have used different methods to bring wild forest lands into cultivable control.

Slashing – an ancient practice

Humans, from the primitive ages, used the method of burning trees, vegetation, and wild shrubs to use the clear land for agriculture and cultivation. This technique where the wild trees and shrubs burn to clear the land is known as slashing and is much in vogue even now. In slashingthe wild trees and vegetation are brunt just before the monsoon season. The ashes from the burnt vegetation turn into humus and act as a natural fertilizer for the soil. Adding humus to the soil makes it rich, fertile, and ready for extensive cultivation. 

Create a cycle

The best part of the slashing method is that it can act as a cycle. Firstly, the natural and wild trees, shrubs, and vegetation burn. The land is put into cultivation for some years. Once the land fertility diminishes, and the land is no longer suitable for cultivation due to its depleting nutrition value, the land is left alone for nature to work on the land, and enhance its fertility index. This process, where the land naturally regains its former fertility, can take some time. Once the land is again ready for cultivation, slashing is applied in the next cycle.

Use professional services

Although slashing can sound like a super simple and easy process, where the natural vegetation on the land must be burnt down, the reality is not so easy. The people who are about to perform slashing must have training and work experience, otherwise, they will end up burning more vegetation than needed and make the whole land barren. Hence, slashing is a technical process meant for domain professionals only. 

Modern pertinence

Just like the ancient people, slashing has pertinence even in modern times. This form of shift cultivation is helpful in different parts of the globe. You can find slashing in Bangladesh, India, and also in Canada. Slashing as a method is naturally conducive and allows the land to replenish again, regain its former fertility, and support cultivation even in the future. No wonder slashing as an agriculture process is still so much in demand and practice. The process helps to make the land fertile and productive.

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