Understanding the target audience helps to reduce the cost of product promotion. It also increases the conversion of targeted advertising. After reading the article, you will learn how to determine the target audience on social networks, and what approaches can be used.

What Is the Target Audience


In marketing, a target audience is a group of potential customers who are interested in a product. When assessing the composition of this group of people, common features can be distinguished: work, place of residence, hobbies and hobbies.


As an example, the audience for programming courses will be students choosing a profession, and adults under 40 who want to change their specialty. Another example: the target audience of a cleaning service is adult men and women who spend a lot of time at work, as well as business owners.


Why You Need to Know Your Audience


The better the company understands the audience, the more precisely you can set up targeted advertising on social networks. Fine-tuning reduces the cost of promoting accounts and helps to increase the number of subscribers at the expense of interested people. Understanding the mindset, fears, and desires of customers helps create trustworthy posts.


Knowing the target audience helps answer the questions:


How to position and promote a new business?


Is there a demand for the product or do you need to create a need from scratch?


What social networks and other advertising channels to use?


What records do potential customers want to see? Information about the target audience helps to choose in what style to communicate with subscribers and how often to publish different types of posts. A content manager who understands the characteristics of the target audience can offer creatives that evoke a lively emotional response from subscribers.


What is the best price for a product or service? The cost of the product should not be too high for the target audience. An overestimated figure repels potential buyers. But too low a price, set by optimizing production and logistics, can also turn off customers if they think cheap products are bad. To set the optimal price, you need to know the system of thinking of the consumer.


Audience Analysis Methods


To determine the target audience, it is worth conducting written or oral surveys. The simplest solution would be a survey after the purchase. You can publish questionnaires on social networks or create them using third-party programs. Based on the verification of answers, a portrait of a potential client is compiled.


Audience Portrait Criteria


To describe and segment the target audience, the following parameters should be used:


Geographic: country and city of residence, sometimes street and house.

Socio-demographic: gender and age, marital status, presence and number of children, family income level.

Psychological: pronounced personal qualities, life values, hobbies and hobbies, fears and needs.

Behavioral: describe how a customer makes a purchase decision and what information is taken into account when choosing a point of view on a product.

Deep Analysis of the Portrait of the Target Audience


After describing the social and demographic indicators, we can move on to a deeper analysis of the portrait of the target audience. To understand the thinking style and behavior of buyers, you need to find answers to the following questions.


What problems does the target audience have, and how does the product help to solve them? Consumers pay not for a product or service, but for solving their own problems.


What product do customers need? Offer subscribers what they want, and then you do not have to spend a lot of time processing objections. Perfect match to the desires of consumers reduces the failure rate.


What content is of interest to subscribers? The answer to this question helps to plan publications and get a lot of likes, comments and reposts. To understand the desires and interests of the target audience, it is worth taking the time to select thematic sites.


Let’s say you want to reach a public that loves gambling. You can use keywords such as friday casino in order to attract your target as many gamblers love playing after a long working week.


What fears do customers experience before buying? The plan should include notes that explain why the fears are unfounded. Answering customer fears will help you earn trust, increase sales, and create a positive brand experience.


What factors influence the choice of product? When publishing posts, you should explain how your business differs from competitors. Having a USP: a unique selling proposition will help you prepare selling posts for social networks.


How is it convenient for the buyer to place an order? The specifics of the audience affects the list of sites visited by potential customers. For different people, different ordering options will be convenient: social networks, contact form on the site, call or email.


A marketer must be able to draw up a portrait of the target audience to promote a product? This problem can be solved with the help of questionnaires, analysis of subscribers in social networks and the use of programs. Understanding the target audience helps to attract subscribers through a certain post style and set up targeted advertising. A well-configured advertising campaign reduces promotion costs and increases conversions.

