The HR department is the first and the last department that comes in contact with the employees before and after they join the organization. They are there to cater to all the needs and doubts of the employees. They ensure the organization recruits the most appropriate employees for the organization.


In doing so, sometimes, due to human error, some queries go unnoticed. The employee who had the issue will feel ignored, and the feeling that the organization does not care for anyone starts to develop. Such thoughts can impact a company's reputation as a whole.


It becomes even harder when companies start to work from home. To overcome such scenarios and to save companies' image from drowning, an HR ticketing system is the answer. They work just like the other ticketing system but are loaded with HR-related features. These features are so beneficial for the company that it affects the overall growth of the entire organization.

Onboarding Remote Employees

The first day at the office is always special for a new joiner. HR orientation, meeting new colleagues, new desk, new computer device, almost no work, all these things sum up the first day. But after covid-19, things have changed. More jobs are getting remote and somewhere, this feeling of the first day is lost. Also, it is adding responsibility to HR to make them feel welcome remotely.


This is when the helpdesk can help HR. The HR helpdesk can streamline all the onboarding processes of the new employee. From ensuring they have received the right device at their homes to setting up the email accounts, all can be smoothly handled by the HR helpdesk. Thus, the new joiners will have a personalized experience that will make them feel welcomed and positive about the company.

Improves Engagement With Employees

If you want your employees to stick with the organization, it is HR's duty to make sure the employees' requests are heard and resolved on time. And if not, it can generate a negative atmosphere. Let us have a look at some scenarios that can make loyal employee rethink their decisions to stay in the company.


For instance, all the employees of the company received their salary on the 5th date. Employee X's salary was less than she should receive. So, for that, she contacted HR to have a look at what was going on. A couple of days passed, and there was no response from HR. Employee X was waiting for HR's reply. This made them rethink that no one cares about their concern. When after a few days X asks again, she comes to know that HR accidentally looked over it.


The other example is employee B. He applied for leaves for a vacation and wanted approval on the same. B kept waiting as he wanted to book tickets by ticketing management system. Asking the same after a week, he realized the leave request was mistakenly overlooked.


Such scenarios happen on a daily basis in bigger companies. Such situations can feed the negative image of the company as employees join companies by seeing the perks that they offer to the employees. They should not be the ones deprived of them.


To fill up such communication gaps and to ensure that no request is overlooked from the HR side, the helpdesk is the solution. A help desk has an automated system that is easy to access on both sides. Also, the notifications remind HR unless the issue is not resolved.

Improve Productivity of the HR Department

The HR department is the backbone of the company. The way they perform matters to the company. They need to perform in a way that they can manage the scalability without affecting any operations. Doing things the old-fashioned way with emails will not work.


On a daily basis, HR receives a lot of requests from the employees just like the call centers. Most of them are related to the leaves, benefits, salary, and health and insurance policies. Apart from these, there are queries that require special attention and might take a longer time to resolve. Here, the helpdesk will automatically route the incoming tickets to the representative that can currently answer the questions.


Thus, a centralized system will incorporate various channels like emails, calls, live chat, etc. for easy interaction with the employees. The other thing to add up is a knowledge base. This will help the employees to get answers to the common questions from the FAQs and other helpful content.


These all together will free up the HR from answering the same questions and enable them to focus on important queries that require extra attention. Hence, this way the helpdesk is the tool that can be used to improve the productivity of the employee so that the backbone of the company remains strong.

Reports and Analytics of the Employees and Organization

An HR help desk delivers you the reports and information that will show how well all the processes are going in the company. Also, it is an excellent way to plan things like the recruitment process and improve employee engagement to make more data-driven decisions that can provide long-term benefits to the organization.


We all know that precaution is better than cure. For an organization, it is important to identify the problems at the initial level itself so that it does not cause the organization bigger damage. With such modern reporting methods, you will have real-time to take immediate actions.


The other benefit of these reports is to keep an eye on employees' performances. If anyone is given the new responsibility is able to do it properly or not, is every employee able to do their tasks and many such insights can be gained from it. Thus, the companies can use these performance reports during the appraisal of the employee. 


The HR helpdesk management software improves the productivity of the HR department, generates data-driven reports, smoothens the onboarding process of the new employees, and also ensures that the engagement with existing employees improves. Companies must plan on leveraging the HR help desk if not already. Improving all the systems will help the organization build the brand value which is much needed for scaling.