How to make a booking flight with ANA airlines? Below are all the procedure by which user can easily make a booking through ANA airlines • First step is to open the browser then visit the authenticated website of ANA airlines • Login into the account via credentials and Navigate to the reservation section and enter all the details such as destination city, arrive city ad well as mention all the dates in order to press on search. • List of flights will appear on the screen, pick the most appropriate flight and review all the details • Once this is done, enter the details of the passenger and click on save changes. • Now payment screen will appear on the screen, make the payment via online transaction and as soon as your payment will get processed user will receive conformation mail on registered mail address. These were the following ways by which user can easily make the reservation, if any more details re needed in ALL Nippon Airways Reservations, then dial the toll-free number in order to speak to the representative. They will try to help you in all possible ways.