PEO’s Licensure Assistance Program, which is also called LAP, is a program that links an engineering intern (interns) with professional engineers (guides) who are licensed with the organization to provide the interns with the necessary guidance and support, as the intern progresses towards attaining their professional engineering licence.  The organization believes that this program will equip a new engineer with a much better understanding of their roles and responsibilities and for growth and success in their chosen profession.

To be kept in mind: Not all PEO chapters are taking part in the LAP at this time. So, contact your chapter chair to find out if your chapter participates in the LAP.

Who can become interns?

Those engineering interns with the participating chapters are eligible to be interns.


Read this agreement with undivided attention. To proceed, it is a must for you to agree with and understand the below-given policy:

Professional Engineers Ontario doesn’t monitor individual licensure assistance program relationships.

Participating in the licensure assistance program doesn’t guarantee licensure with the licensing body. A participant has to still fulfill all the requirements for licensure as given in the guidelines.

The purpose of this program is to guide an intern as they move further towards attaining a licence. It is not for helping interns find a job or a professional engineer referee. Don’t put these expectations on your guide.

LAP is not a forum for guides or interns to sell products or services. Such activities are a conflict of interest.

Who can become guides?

A PEO-licensed engineer within the participating chapter can become a guide.

What LAP is not?

The main objective of the LAP is to help guide an engineering intern through the licensing process, develop as a professional and assimilate into the engineering community.

While some discussion around career matters may happen, the organization doesn’t intend the program to be a mechanism to find a job. This program will not find you a job nor satisfy the requirements for a professional engineer referee.