What is ED?

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem that can make it difficult for a person to get an erection. There are certain diet rules that can help cure the problem of erectile dysfunction. If one follows a certain diet or eats proper food it can help treat such problems. As per the research done by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDL), erectile dysfunction affects about 30 million people only in the United States. 

Can Food Treat Erectile Dysfunction?

As per research done in 2018, it was found that participants who are aged between 18 to 40 years of age find that those consuming huge amounts of flavones as a part of their diet are said to have improved the problem of ED. So, now what are flavones? 

These are sub-compounds that are usually found in vegetables and fruits. These are a part of their parent compound known as flavonoids which are usually found in fruits, teas, and vegetables. 

Food can help improve erections because the process involved in swelling of penis can be both physical and psychological. These are some of the foods for erection. The relaxation of smooth muscles in the penis begins with messages sent. Nitric oxide regulates the blood flow and the tone of smooth muscle, including the one which is in the penis.