Everyone wants to own a beautiful face and healthy hair to look flawless on any day. The first step to be confident is to feel beautiful, here are a few steps to be followed in the skin and hair care regime. To succeed in any area of life hard work combined with smart work is needed. The same applies to our skin and hair to look good, if skin and hair care is said to be hard work, using the right product that suits our hair and skin is the smart work.


Taking care of skin and hair on a regular basis is  part of a healthy lifestyle. Skin is the important and largest organ which gives signals of the underlying health issues and it's in our hand to care and nurture it. Likewise, hair too gives cues to us of  the possible health issues and lack of nutrition, if we keenly absorb.There are plenty of skin and hair care regimes as well as foods to nourish skin and hair. 


Many suffer from dark circles, rashes,acne, skin blemishes, hair fall,dandruff etc. There are proven methods to reverse the cases but the best way is to follow the principle “prevention is better than cure”. Hence a healthy lifestyle and a good skin and hair care regime is suggested. 


Healthy skin and hair care regime:

  • Wash your face regularly using mild face washes.
  • Wash your hair using shampoos suggested by a specialist.
  • Use of hair conditioner
  • Moisturize your skin according to your skin type- how to moisturize your skin
  • remedies to cure acne due to oily skin 
  • winter skincare 
  • Intake is important to detoxify the skin- best diet for glowing skin
  • Ways to say bye-bye to eye bags -  11 effective ways to get rid of eye bags
  • Ways to reduce dark circles -  get rid of dark circles home remedies
  • Aging is fine but slowing down aging is a challenge-  how to get rid of wrinkles
  • Ways to get rid of dandruff

To use the right products for hair it is always a good idea to take advice from a skin and hair care specialist. Dr.Venus does that for you. 

To know more about skin and hair care regimes visit blog - https://www.drvenus.in/blog/

Or take an appointment at Dr. Venus for consultation and queries. One stop to all your skin and hair problems.


For many other skin care routines and queries Dr.Venus.https://www.drvenus.in/