When developing an SEO strategy for your website, you must prioritize the people in your business. While keywords serve as the foundation of the SEO process, they should be used strategically. When done correctly, they can boost your brand's visibility online and increase traffic to your website. But to make sure that your strategy works, you must use keywords strategically and incorporate them into your content in a natural way. The most effective way to incorporate keywords is through on-page optimization.

Link building

Link building is a vital part of any SEO strategy. Unfortunately, most people fail at it. It's not easy to create high-quality, needle-moving links. But if you're committed to achieving higher rankings, this article will help you get started. We'll talk about a few tactics that work and generate revenue for our clients. To build high-quality links, first understand what links are.

Ideally, your link building efforts should be in line with your overall KPIs. Your goals may include sales, email subscriptions, page views, domain authority, and overall page rank. You should also be targeting the right keywords and content for your site. If you don't have an idea about what your target audience is looking for, start with the content on your own website and then move on from there.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is essential for better rankings in organic search results. All of the process that makes up SEO starts and ends with your website. Without an optimized website, you have a low chance of generating traffic from search engines. Here are a few tips to make your website more search engine friendly. Using a good content strategy and keyword research is essential for creating quality pages. In addition to optimizing the title, meta description, and URL, use a buyer persona to understand what your visitors are looking for on your website.

First, make sure your title tag is optimized for your target keyword. The title tag, also known as the H1, tells search engines what your page is about. Make sure your title tag contains your targeted keyword in the most prominent place possible. Google has also updated its search result display, so you should update your title tag accordingly. To make your title tag more effective, use the same keywords as your H1 tag.

User experience

The success of any SEO campaign depends on the quality of the user experience provided by the website. A positive user experience increases the domain authority. One of the best ways to understand user experience is to use Google Analytics to monitor internal websites. Another good method is using sticky notes to highlight pages that need improvement. You can't stick a sticky note on every page, but it is helpful to note down what pages users are having the most trouble with.

Google's user experience guidelines state that your site should load in 2.5 seconds. This includes time to process event handlers and allow users to interact with the site. If your site is too slow, 53% of your users will bounce and leave without purchasing anything. Therefore, the user experience is more important than keyword placement. Google's search algorithm values positive user experience, and smart marketers prioritize UX design. When the user is happy, Google is happy. If a user is frustrated and leaves quickly, then no amount of keyword placement will do anything to make him or her stay on the page.


Developing an SEO strategy requires knowing your key performance indicators (KPIs) and tracking them accordingly. While SEO KPIs are often different from those of a B2C retailer, there are some universal principles that apply to both industries. The key to tracking these KPIs is consistency. By doing this, you will be able to determine which keywords are driving your traffic. If you are unsure of which metrics to track, consider the following tips to develop an SEO strategy.

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SEO managers must track and analyze all aspects of their strategy, including traffic, views, clicks, and rankings. The KPIs measure how effective SEO is in helping a website achieve the goals set by the company. They help determine which changes need to be made to improve results and which ones need to be scrapped. Once they're tweaked, the team will know whether to adjust their strategy or move on to the next one.