The Best Websit To Sell Replica Air Forces!

Making your own custom Nike Air Force 1’s is easy! Just follow these steps to make your own unique sneakers. I’ll name all the products I have used to make my own 90s style Nike Air Force 1’s. First thing you’ll need when making your own custom Fake Air Force 1 Black Shoes is a pair of Nike Air Force 1’s of course! But that kind of makes sense, right? Next you’ll need to do is think about the design you want to make on your shoes. What colors will you need? Perhaps you want to get some colorful laces to suit your fresh design? Once you have an idea about your design and you’ve got all the products you need, you can get started with customizing your sneakers. The very first thing you need to do is clean your sneakers before applying any paint. To do this I used Angelus Leather Preparer and Deglazer and a microfiber cloth. It’s important to take your time cleaning and preparing the sneakers, it will improve the end result and make sure the paint will stick. Don’t use to much force though, just gently rub your Nike Air Force 1’s with circular motions.
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