If you want to poe currency go for a Demi, you need to admit right off the bat which money is not important. Whether your race is voided or not, invest whatever you have on quicker progression. When I eventually died at level 94 at Mayhem, I made a new personality. I had built up 800 Chaos Orbs at this point, and I bought the best items on the market in order to gear myself up.

After I had geared up my brand new personality, I dumped the entirety of the rest of the chaos into maps. Mapping can be quite unforgiving, and on a first personality you'll definitely spend the majority of your time trapped on early maps. In case you've got the in-POE game money to skip this at all, you should use it. My very first character took six times to degree to 94. My next personality took two and a half days to hit 93, and that's mostly because of the money I had been prepared to put in.

Running maps daily is dull. Not everyone can be like Ziziran and perform for 16 hours per day daily. After three or four days of playing Path of Exile for 16+ hours a day, I had been bored out of my head. It didn't help that my friends had died and quit the league.

If you're serious about winning a race in Path of Exile, you need to get in the mindset of playing only "one more map." And after you complete it, run one more map. Make it second nature to buy poe orbs open the next map as soon as you exit, so you have to keep grinding.