Smile is one of the most important features on your face as it communicates better than words and makes you look attractive. Well, if you have missing teeth your entire face structure is affected and you won't be able to comfortably speak in public. Luckily, cosmetic dental implants can change all this by replacing missing dental.

What does it involve?

This surgical procedure involves placement of a permanent titanium post below the gum to act as a root for a new tooth. Once the post is in place your dentist can then mount a replacement tooth giving you back the dazzling glow. It is carried out by a qualified dentist using modern equipment. Titanium is used because it easily fuses into the jawbone & provide firm support to your teeth.

A thorough diagnosis is first carried out; your medical history is evaluated to avoid any risks during and after the procedure. Once this is done the titanium screw is inserted into the jawbone and after healing, your dentists will fix a replacement on it.

Why Dental Implants?

They are permanent and the replacement will not slip unlike the ordinary dentures. The screw ossifies into the bone structure and there are no risks of rejection. More importantly this helps you get back your natural facial look. Whether you are replacing one or more adjacent teeth this procedure is perfect. They don't require any special treatment and you won't have to worry about any other maintenance problem.

One major advantage of getting an implant is the fact that you will get your confidence back. You will be more confident in public and will also receive a major esteem boost. The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recommends the procedure to avoid bone deterioration that is likely when you have gaps on your gum.

It is important to talk to your periodontist about the available options. This consultation will also help you understand the importance of the process, the cost, length and after care. When choosing the clinic to visit make sure you ask for recommendations from family and friends. It is also suggested to ensure that the dentist is board certified.

There you have it; a missing tooth should no longer impact your life negatively. Go on, talk to a reputable periodontist and give your face that original glow. Remember; the impact of an implant is permanent and you won't have to worry about any special maintenance cost. The comfort and confidence you will enjoy cannot be ignored. What's more!! You will be improving your overall health by avoiding increased risk of periodontal disease.

Dental Clinic Moonee Ponds is a family dental clinic that makes you comfortable and confident about your dental health by using latest techniques.We believe in establishing a lasting and trusting relationship. We also offer Cosmetic DentalService in Moonee Ponds, teeth whitening, top quality dental treatment and general dentistry services at an affordable price.