Museum is genuinely one of the famous symbols of Paris and draws a whole lot of visitors because of its first rate collection. Louvre Museum is one of the most visited sights in Paris. This museum has approximately 10 million site visitors annually. The purpose for this popularity is the gathering of 35,000 valuable works of artwork and antiquities inside the Louvre. This museum has exhibited works from 11,000 years ago to the nineteenth century ad. To higher introduce this collection, we will tell you a few exciting statistics approximately the Louvre Museum so that if you are a visitor to France, you will enjoy your visit extra.

The biggest museum in the international
The Louvre is the most important museum inside the international, so massive that you can not see all its works in a single go to. So how much time do you want with this account? In case you take 30 seconds for each effect, you can see all of them in a hundred days. To acquire this purpose you need to spend all day within the museum. The museum holds a complete of 380,000 works, no longer all of which are on public show. The Louvre is so famous that it hosts 15,000 each day site visitors, 70% of whom are foreigners. It was the very best variety of visits to the Louvre in 2018. This year, 2.10 million humans came to the Louvre to see the great works.

Louvre Museum building
The Louvre was not at the start a museum. This building changed into a castle belonging to 1190 advert, which turned into become a royal palace in the sixteenth century. It was 4 years after the French Revolution and in 1793 that the Louvre became a museum and the public become able to go to it. To begin with, the museum displayed handiest 537 art work.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is honestly one of the Louvre and maximum famous works of artwork in the world. Humans from all over the global with extraordinary cultures and languages โ€‹โ€‹come to the Louvre to check this undying painting. You can now not recognise that this board isn't always as large as all people thinks and is handiest fifty three by means of 77 cm or barely large than an A2 paper. In 1911, a museum employee stole the portray and concealed it for two years. After two years, the thief and the painter, who changed into of Italian starting place, were discovered in Italy. Today, the Mona Lisa has its very own bodyguards and is covered by bulletproof glass. The identification of the Mona Lisa remains mysterious and unknown, and no person is aware of for certain; Why does he smile this way? Many believe he became the wife of Francesco del Giucando and his real Italian call became Lisa Giocondo. Others accept as true with that Mona Lisa is an autobiography of Da Vinci.



The Louvre Museum