Essay writing technique: example of PEAL paragraph



When writing essays, often times the most difficult challenge to overcome is that of producing well-structured, clear, and supportive paragraphs. To address this several strategies have developed over time to aid students and writers in producing logical and unified paragraphs as well as to successfully convey evidential support. PEAL (point, evidence, analysis, link) is simply an example of these initiatives.





In addition, acronyms in general are good learning tools that assist pupils to absorb and recall specific knowledge, such as writing processes, in an easy-to-remember word or phrase. As you continue to read you will find that PEAL is not the only writing strategy that works to address the issue of paragraph structure.




The aim of paragraph structure techniques





Along with the PEAL acronym writers and educators have also conjured up the TRI (topic sentence, restate, illustrate) technique as well as the PIE (point, illustrate, explain/evaluate), TAXES (topic sentence, assertion statement, explanation, significance) and many others. The basic purpose of all of them is simply to assist you in constructing a well-crafted paragraph that exhibits, unity, coherence, and proper support and argument development.





PEAL passages




Each aspect of the PEAL approach serves a vital purpose in paragraph structure and style. Students, writers, and researchers can deliver consistent and efficacious paragraphs by adhering to these simple standards.





1.Point - Clearly convey your main point, idea, thesis or topic sentence. For a paragraph your major topic will be confined to that which you can sufficiently cover in the content of your paragraph. This differs from the thesis statement or objective statement for the entire essay, as it should only refer to one paragraph.




2.Evidence - Provide evidence to support your main idea statement from primary or secondary sources. The relevancy of the evidence will be judged by the type of support needed to help or'backs' your statement.






For instance, if your topic phrase was "Bipolar disorder is a pervasive and gradually expanding sickness prevalent among young Americans under the age of 30", a statistic identifying the amount of young Americans impacted by the ailment would be a good form of evidentiary support.





3.Analysis - Examine the statements you offered and comment on their significance. At this point, depending on the nature of the material, you will also be making meaning of or interpreting the data as well as making conclusions or deductions based on that information. Some questions to examine; What details are illustrated here? Why is this statement important? What relevance does it bear in respect to the other evidences surrounding it?





Note that each paragraph's'analysis' component may not contain all of the items listed and can be reduced to one or two phrases. For example, as in the prior statement regarding Bipolar disease, if you were to examine it together with a statistic you may then add, "The young Americans that suffer from this disorder come from a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities. Some are from underprivileged families while many also come from middle class and upper class households." These sentences give a straightforward extension of the information supplied in the previous sentences (they also present factual information rather than judgments or ratings) (they also present factual information rather than judgments or ratings).





4.Link - Provide a smooth transition to the next paragraph as well as to your main thesis or argument. Your connection is








a critical aspect of building unity throughout your paper as well as keeping logic and consistency. Each paragraph






contributes something distinct to your paper reddit best essay writing service as your progress through each point to meet your ultimate objective - keep this in mind while generating link or bridge phrases in each paragraph. An easy technique to chose may be to just supply one sentence that relates the paragraph to the main argument and then one sentence that connects it to or introduces the topic of the next paragraph.






In addition to this understanding of the PEAL writing approach it's also vital to comment on a more popular and comparable strategy known as PEEL (point, evidence, evaluate, link) (point, evidence, evaluate, link). All the components are identically the same with the exception of the'A', which is substituted with a'E' during evaluation. Though they seem to reflect the same concepts, i.e. analysis and assessment, the two are actually extremely different and not exactly interchangeable. Students often get the two confused therefore its good to know the fundamental differences.






PEAL versus PEEL or analysis vs assessment






So what's the difference between an analysis and an evaluation? The confusion created by these phrases may have come up since both require, to some degree, looking closer at or scrutinizing and reading essay text. Though the fundamental distinction is that of being accurate and non-judgemental as compared to being judgmental and critical.






When you analyze a text your are pulling out the obvious and not-so-obvious information that is present without making a'call' on it, with regards to it being good, bad, or in between. As seen in the sample above under'analysis' the comment regarding young Americans affected by Bipolar illness doesn't indicate whether those figures are good or bad, it merely simply elaborates on the data and provides more analytical knowledge.






So for instance if this same example were to be used to the PEEL writing approach a more appropriate statement would be to start out by saying "These figures show that..." or "So by this we can understand that young Americans..." and so on. By employing these forms of introductions your are starting off making a judgement or definite statement regarding the supplied facts.






In essence, a more fitting acronym to follow may really be PEAEL. Mainly because the natural order of argument building and discussion usually leads a writer to examine and then assess material. So when you've evaluated and taken out all of the relevant information from the data, then you would make a choice or judgment on the information.






Perhaps in certain circumstances simply the PEAL strategy is required, for example if you are writing a definition or cause and effect essay where all of the information is very basic and needs little judgment and evaluation on your part. Likewise, the PEEL technique may be more appropriate for most venues in which you are writing an argumentative or persuasive essay because in such cases you are expected to evaluate information on a topic and then make significant inferences as well as conclusory statements about the evidences presented. So in those cases be careful to utilize the PEEL technique or a combination of both rather than the PEAL alone.

















Essay help: 5-paragraph essay for an English class










One of the most popular and commonly taught essay writing types is the five-paragraph-essay. This beginners essay writing framework is a wonderful outline for communicating ideas in a logical, orderly manner. It begins with an introduction, followed up by three body or support paragraphs, and ends with a conclusion. Proper comprehension of each component is key since each plays a significant role in the building of a completely developed and well-formatted essay.






Writing Introductions






Students and writers alike often find a little of problem when it comes to writing a beginning. Though introductions change based on writing style and subject there are several important qualities similar to all of them. For instance, its good to do the following in each introduction:






(a) capture the audience with a gripping'hook' statement





(b) provide a brief background on the subject to be covered




(c) maintain the reader's interest by explaining why the topic is vital





(d) give a clear and succinct thesis statement to communicate to the readers what issues will be covered in the paper.





* Keep in mind that this list is not inclusive and introductions may include other key components as well. Likewise you may choose to delay your thesis statement till you reach another point in the paper where you believe that it is more relevant and effective.





The introduction is also-though it doesn't have to be-an region of the document that offers a detail of your major thoughts and aims. These details may be considered a thesis statement. And a well-crafted thesis statement is a key aspect of writing and should be treated with tremendous care and attention. So why all the fuss?




Thesis statements and why they are extremely essential





Both authors and readers can profit from thesis statements best essay writing service reddit 2021 since they provide the main focus point or purpose of an essay and act as a guide through all addressed issues and themes. As the author or preparer of a work is vital that you develop a thesis statement to make your debates and analysis coherent, logical and relevant to the information that supports it. Often times your thesis statement will also change as extra study is completed. This is an excellent indicator and implies that your thesis actually reflects what your paper does rather than what you desired or thought it would accomplish.






As a reader the thesis statement prepares you for the remainder of the work and gives you with a concise glimpse of what will be covered or discussed throughout the article. For readers that are also evaluators, such as academics, the thesis statement is also somewhat of a measuring stick to gauge whether or not you effectively completed your goals and objectives.








Support / Body Paragraphs




In the five-paragraph or hamburger essay, the support or body portion would be called the'meat' of the sandwich. It incorporates the key supported evidences and assertions that will define, explain, or explore your core notion. Overall, there are numerous factors to consider while constructing support paragraphs. One of the most significant problems to address is the shape and function of your support paragraphs; the section below describes techniques of constructing suitable and sufficient paragraphs.





Paragraph structure





A paragraph is comparable to a paper in that it should comprise a topic sentence, support sentences and a conclusion phrase. Though this is by no means the only way to build a paragraph it is somewhat of a guidepost to keep your structure in line. Many common formation approaches are available to help students and beginner writers alike construct strong and effective paragraphs. Two of these strategies are the SEE and TRI methods.





S - statement: First, clearly describe the main concept of your paragraph. *




For example;'Cookies and potato chips are popular snack items for youths.'





E - extension: Second, provide an extension of the preceding statement by restating or explaining it. *





For example;'Teens often turn to quick, appetizing foods when hungry.'




E - elaborate: Third, add further details relating the previous sentences. *





For example;'Foods commonly marketed to youths need little preparation and include unhealthy additives to enhance flavor and appearance.'












This strategy is incredibly easy and straightforward and can surely help everyone who finds themselves stuck and unable to get through their first draft. The other approach, TRI also achieves the comparable function.




T - subject sentence: First, state the primary idea or key sentence.





R - repeat: Second, rephrase the topic statement in a more colorful or diversified fashion.





I - illustrate: Lastly, illustrate the fundamental notion by offering exact instances and illustrations.






This strategy differs from the first in that, rather than merely providing more details on the issue, it also provides particular examples. Examples are vital to the proficiency of any essay. Interesting and realistic examples assist the reader to instantly connect to your themes and ideas as well as visualize the issues that are being discussed. For instance, in using the aforementioned examples of teens and cuisines, an illustration such as a static may be quite helpful. For example,'At least 70 percent of western youths choose to eat snacks that are heavy in saturated fats.'






Topical and functional paragraphs






Another excellent distinction to make is between that of topical and functional paragraphs. The paragraphs that we have been discussing thus far can be termed topical paragraphs simply because in general they consist of a topic sentence or primary concept. A functional paragraph, in contrast, is a paragraph that may be put strategically in an essay to either sustain a reader's interest, give a segue to another topic or idea, create discussion, or to display some emphasis on a crucial component or argument.






Writing Conclusions






As with introductions, conclusions can sometimes be tough to construct. This process can be reduced greatly by just identifying the common qualities involved in conclusion writing. A conclusion may comprise some or all of the following aspects (a) offer a concluding remark on the subject (b) reiterate the thesis or primary premise (c) inspire the reader to think on a specific subject or concept, or call them to act on a particular notion (d) state or identify an area to pursue for additional investigation or study. Its advisable for a conclusion to not introduce any brand new thoughts or concepts as well as merely reiterate the original idea alone. To provide a decent balance of knowledge its best to integrate (craft-fully) one or more of these elements while constructing your conclusion.






Why the five-paragraph-essay?






Many teachers and instructors genuinely favor other styles of writing over the five-paragraph-essay. This is for numerous reasons. One is that they consider it is only acceptable for particular age groups and not, for example, appropriate for college courses. Additionally they may feel that it hinders pupils from adequately investigating and developing their arguments. To some extent, all of these points are valid.






To address these concerns a student can simply use the five-paragraph-essay structure as a starting point only and then add extra paragraphs when the need arises. The alternative option is to only apply the format to certain themes and subject matters where a student feels that it is appropriate and fit.






Narrative essay writing: frequent pitfalls to avoid










Narrative writing, or writing that tells a story, may occur in the form of both fiction and nonfiction pieces. Fiction tales are highly common and are found all across novels, books, and periodicals. Non-fiction stories are also very popular, captivating pieces occasionally found in the form of memoirs and personal essays.






Narratives, like with other genres of writing, take tons of practice and revisionary efforts. Plenty of hard effort and dedication is required to bring a publishable, final result to light. Therefore its not unexpected that new and novice authors equally typically fall into several errors while attempting to explore narrative writing for the first time. The first and most common error is the concept of'show & tell.'






Show your audience-don't tell them












Even if you don't plan on producing the world's next best selling novel, your writing should nonetheless follow some






creative reddit essay service criteria. Among those is to subtly and craftily convey to the reader the events and occurring of your story rather than blatantly announcing them.






*For example, rather than tell the reader that a character in the story has an eating problem, reveal or show it to them by describing the character's physical features as well as providing a few scenes illustrating this condition; such as the character eating late at night, when upset, or overfilling a plate for dinner or in a restaurant.





Artful revelation is one of the most crucial components of narrative composition. Though, many people are unable to implement this part adequately. You can increase your competence in this area by implementing a few useful approaches. (1) As in the example above, you can include thorough descriptions such as physical features (2) you can also use conversation or dialogue to expose some things (3) and finally, correctly construct your scenarios with vivid sensory details as oppose to simply discussing them after they've already occurred.




Readers will also like the presence of suspense and foreshadowing in your tale. These two writing strategies can also be employed to elegantly craft your text and sufficiently captivate readers.





Lack of suspense and foreshadowing





Some writers fall short in attracting the reader due to inadequacy in suspense development. When reading a novel filled with suspense you probably experienced anticipation, speculating, and wondering at the unknown. All of these factors are part of good suspense building. Overall, the aim is to present your audience with minor hints and clues, little by little, without giving them the complete story or answer until later on or at the very conclusion of the narrative.




As a writer, this can be achieved through a few different approaches. You can develop suspense by introducing weird or intriguing aspects in the story that doesn't make much sense or seem to be very out of place (for instance, a full plate of food on a table while no one was home to cook it) (for instance, a full plate of food on a table when no one was home to prepare it). Likewise you can also develop suspense by allowing a character to endure a near-death or life-threatening incident (for example a terrible automobile accident in which they were only spared at the very last moment when all hope was lost) (for example a fatal car accident in which they were only saved at the very last moment when all hope was lost).





Likewise, foreshadowing is also a strategy that is employed to assist develop suspense in a novel. It may be quite successful in both fiction and nonfiction works. In nonfiction stories you may choose to use foreshadowing by offering direct or indirect indicators of the content that will be discussed later in the story.












*For instance, in a personal essay you may start out by stating, "Our mothers are our examples" by doing this you are hinting to the audience that your essay will feature a tale about how your mother was an example to you or something linked to parenting and role modeling.





Information overload







Sometimes we have so much fantastic knowledge to share we go into problems when trying to logically transmit that information to the reader. Too much material will impact the readability of your essay which is vital to its general quality and efficacy. No matter how wonderful you build characters or set a setting, readers will not bother finishing your work if they find it tough to get through.




Information overload may be traced back to various starting causes. For instance, you may need to supply your reader with a bit of background information on a topic to provide clarity to some concerns or maybe a particular purpose, concept, or idea has to be reinforced or better defined. When these scenarios emerge writers may become overzealous and supply too many incidents or happenings to try to further'drive' home the point or likewise may give the reader too many data or details on a subject in an effort to fully describe or'define' it. If you need to further define or explain something, strive to do it in clear and simple manner. Additionally, fight the impulse to overburden your story with additional characters and events to make clarify your point. Readers should be able to deduct the core idea or purpose of your tale without such the embellishments.





Mistakes with dialogue





Along with information overload, some novice writers prefer to bog down readers with excessive amounts of conversation. This can be a complete'turn off' to readers while attempting to make it through a particular paragraph. Make use of functional paragraphs and present your readers with brief but intense pieces of dialogue to hold their interest and provide appropriate breaks in reading.




Dialogue is a terrific technique to be employed in story writing but should be done so with a bit of hindsight. Every detail does not have to be discussed in dialogue and long, drawn out talk should be split up into smaller more compelling pieces to increase fluidity and the overall quality of writing.





Great narrative writing involves plenty of practice and hard effort. In addition to the usual faults stated below various other issues may develop as well. Capitalization and punctuation errors are prevalent and need to be correctly adhered to in any style of writing.






Likewise, a lack of attention to audience and goal may offer substantial challenges in writing as well. To keep audience and goal in mind, while avoiding a story thats'all over the place' ask yourself these targeted questions before writing. For example, how do I want my readers to feel after reading this story? Do I want people to laugh, cry or think about something in a new or alternative way? Also, why am I writing? What do I aim to achieve by relaying my thoughts onto paper? These and related questions are a fantastic technique of self-disclosure and focus to narrow down your narrative while simultaneously preparing you for the drafting process to follow.






The Six Writing Mistakes to Avoid














Avoid these six typical writing blunders and your academic papers are guaranteed to turn out fantastic every time.





Using the incorrect tone





Tone is the attitude the writer adopts toward the topic and the listener. Are you being serious? Playful? Ironic? Friendly? Dry? Are you trying to warm up to the reader or give out the cold hard facts? It's crucial for you to define the tone of your work right off the bat and that you keep to it throughout the article. It can be upsetting for the reader if you go from formal to informal to amusing to serious, and it will make your article seem inconsistent.






The proper tone will vary from paper to paper. For example, a scholarly research review will be professional and no-nonsense, whereas an opinion piece might be more informal and reveal more of your personality. The most common mistake students make while writing is being overly casual in their writings. If you're writing for class, you should avoid informal, conversational language (i.e., don't use words like "that was like really insane" or acronyms like btw) and attempt to keep your personality out of the work. It's tempting to want to spice up your essay with jokes ("isn't it hilarious that..."), asides to the reader ("are you following me here..."), or personal comments ("I fully agree with..."), but those are best left out of scholarly writing.






Not taking a side






Another huge mistake students make when writing essays and research papers is being wishy-washy with their argument. Often this involves not taking a hard stand in the thesis, or it can just be an overuse of terms like possibly, maybe, or sometimes. If you're a culprit here, more likely than not it's because you're inexperienced with the issue or working in a discipline outside your own, so it's normal that you'd be apprehensive about making a huge assertion. But just because you're not an expert doesn't mean you can't take a hard stand in your article. The main objective of writing an essay is to show that you comprehend the topic well enough to evaluate it and express your results. Even if you're wrong, it's better to argue frankly than to hedge.






Tips for taking a stand in your paper:






Being theatrical or exaggerated.






On the other side, if your argument is poor you don't want to attempt and oversell it. Backing up poor evidence with claims like "it's evident that..." or "without a doubt it's true that..." won't make your evidence any stronger. So instead, when your argument is flimsy, just admit it upfront. Acknowledge to the reader that the study, quotation, or statistic you're utilizing doesn't totally support your point for you but that you may still use it to argue for your side. For example, you might say something like "As you can see, the study did not reveal an extremely beneficial effect from the treatment, but nevertheless the tiny rise was important." Then go on to explain in detail why this weak evidence is proof for your side of the argument.






Another way that students try to exaggerate in their papers is to rely on large sweeping phrases to make their issue seem important. "The questions discussed in this paper are the most significant that anyone, everywhere, for all time, will ever explore." There's no need to sell your topic as the largest event to ever happen to the reader; just explain why it's relevant and move on.






Focusing too much on one side of the issue






An crucial aspect of any debate is being able to anticipate any rebuttals the reader might have against the points you give, and this is true when writing papers as well. It's all well and well for you to go through your pieces of evidence one by one in your paper, but you also need to take the time to address any conflicting evidence out there. If that evidence is well-known to the reader, your report will look incomplete or even dishonest. But even if the reader isn't familiar with all the different aspects of your topic, you still need to be clear about barriers to your work. In fact, if you argue against the opposing side well enough, it can actually make your thesis stronger.






If you're having problems looking at the issue from the other side, try drafting a short outline for a paper in which you argue the opposite of your thesis. For example, if you're writing a paper on why Hamlet is the reason Ophelia goes nuts, attempt to visualize what the paper would look like if you were writing that Hamlet was not responsible for Ophelia's demise.






Weak transitions








Transitions are one of the most vital components of a successful paper. They're the words that link together all the paragraphs and subheadings to make a cohesive whole. A document without effective transitions might still make sense, but it will be tougher for the reader to follow your reasoning. Your paper will also suffer without excellent transitions because it will look choppy and badly written.





Tips for crafting strong transitions:






Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors






It's a simple truth that a lot of students have trouble grasping: it won't matter how wonderful your writing is if you send in a paper with glaring errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Despite this fact, students still skip proofreading their writings. Maybe you're hurrying to finish your paper before a deadline or, after hours of work, maybe you're just bored of looking at all those words on a page. But revising your paper isn't an optional step you can skip: your work isn't done until you proofread it.






Tips for editing:






Look for frequent grammar problems including run-on phrases, subject/verb disputes, and missing words.





Use spellcheck, but don't expect it to detect everything. Just because a word is spelt correctly doesn't guarantee you used it right (for example, spellcheck won't prohibit you from using they're when you mean there).





Read your paper out loud to assist you uncover identify spots of uncomfortable writing.





Have somebody else go through your paper essay writing service reviews reddit especially if you've been working on it for a long period. A fresh set of eyes will see things you might overlook.


















Critical Essay vs. Essay Critique: What is What





There are numerous types of essays and one of them is the critical essay which is quite objective and usually displays either a favorable or a negative point of view on a particular topic or issue. On the other hand, an essay critique assesses an essay after reading it and is a sort of a feedback to the author of the essay. Though the critical essay and essay critique have few similarities, both are different. Below are few points that will help us grasp the similarities and differences between a critical essay and an essay critique:




These principles will aid you with writing





Don't commit to one concept, always explore for alternate opinions and relevant sources.





To write an essay critique, you should also have solid knowledge of the issue that is being discussed or being extended in the essay. This would also aid in recognizing any epistemological errors made by the author, if any. However, when writing a critical essay it would be an advantage to have an in depth knowledge of the subject matter on which you write, else use the facts and examples that you obtain after completing the research on the same.





Pay attention to the following




Take each assignment with full responsibility and for finishing touches do





Article Review Writing: General Guidelines and Structure

   This may seem odd to notice, but if you become overwhelmed by the other interesting aspects in your paper you may get 'caught up' in those side concerns and forget that you're writing about economics essay writing services reddit







Every article is created with a goal; it would be extremely suitable to say that an article is an author's thought on a specific subject/topic is transformed into an article with the use of words.





A review of an article draws the line; especially since an article review gives the reader with a complete insight into the good as well as negative components of the piece. An article review is the critical evaluation of an article to grasp the goal of the article, the strengths and flaws of the article, and all other essential parts of the article. It is very crucial that you follow basic guidelines while writing an article review to make sure that you deliver a correct and logical evaluation of an article to the audience. The following hints and suggestions are sure to help you:





Read, Read & Read






Read the article thoroughly to comprehend the aim as well as the big picture behind the content. You must utilize exceptionally acute eyes while reading the starting sentences of the paragraphs; needless to state, you must try and comprehend each unique point that the writer is trying to convey through a separate paragraph. It helps to make notes of the essential parts of the article. Make sure that you are not copying from the article, the notes or comments that you make are to help you form an opinion on all the main parts of the article and are not designed for mere repeat of what is delivered in the article. It is highly encouraged that you read other relevant articles as well, so that you gain a deeper understanding of the topic, which incidentally would help you in objective evaluation of the article.






Find Answers






After reading the article attentively, it is now time to discover relevant solutions to the questions that will help you in writing the review. Few instances are:






What is the relevance of the topic? And how does the thought of the author reflect in the topic?






What type of readership is the article created for? Is the language employed appropriate for the intended segment of the audience?






Has the author researched enough on the subject? Did the author make any baseless assumptions when writing the article?


















There are several questions that you can expound on to acquire extra information best writing service reddit that can be helpful in assessing the article. The choice of questions may vary from topic to topic. And by asking these questions you are breaking down the material to components which may be readily examined.






Developing and Organizing








Remember that the article review that you are writing is also a work of writing, similar to an essay and so it should have a desirable format and should be ordered appropriately. Before you organize the content, summarize the article in your own words. Summarizing the substance of the article that you are reviewing will provide a context to the audience of your review. List the essential parts of the article such as specific strengths, weaknesses, comparison of arguments, and any other aspect that you liked or disliked. Gather instances to support your point of view or perspective.












A simple or fundamental format of an article review is to contain an introduction, body, and conclusion. There are numerous more forms and structures used by few writers; nonetheless they all derive from the basic framework. While it is necessary to have a structured framework for your review, it is also important to maintain a tab on the length of your review to be suitable. Introduction of the review is the first paragraph and you should provide the title of the article that you are reviewing and also the name of the author. You may provide a brief background of the topic and outline the major concept and idea of the piece. You can also include a statement describing your evaluation (either good or negative) of the article.






The body of the review can further be divided into two parts, summary part and the critique part.






In the summary part, you have to summarize the paper summarizing the major arguments using very few or no examples. Be careful with the choice of words and do not use the same words as used in the article. If the summary part of the body has to be written in more than one paragraph, try using one idea per paragraph and connect the paragraphs in a logical manner.






The second half of the body, critique is often an appraisal of the strengths, shortcomings and specific distinct qualities of the article. You can also give your view on the article with supporting arguments here. Include both positive and negative aspects of the story as relevant. The responses of the questions covered above (finding answers) will form the basis of critique. You may also add thoughts or recommendations on how to improve the article, develop the concepts and theories etc. You may also point out any glaring omissions from the article. A brief comparison of the article to others on the same topic can be given.





Conclusion of the review, the last and most significant portion of the article review has to be kept simple and short. Start with summarizing the key elements of the article and repeat your opinion on the subject. If you have any comment about the significance of the article, you may want to include it here. Any more recommendations can be put in the conclusion. Examples and evidences supporting your judgement or opinion should be offered here to make your critique to appear fair and reasonable. If you notice any questions that are unanswered relative to the topic or article, those can be raised here.




Finally, check your review after sometime and see if there is anything that can be improved in order to make it more logical and beneficial to the reader. in understanding the aspects of the article that is being reviewed. Proofread the review to check for any typo errors or grammatical errors and amend it accordingly.










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