Both my dear ram's horn they're both actual work and crooks so they are for catching this ship they a sheep horn as log that hollow to a certain extent but that week mold we pick that up and Dynamo Walking Cane mold it into a shape and we come up with our crooks the other horn I made this show Mia was that one for the Buffalo that is the buffalo horns of very very solid horn and the hollow part has been chopped off for us still back in India but these are at the old water buffalo and again with a bit of heap 8 and a bit of shaping you can turn that around and you can come up with that sort of stick these nope sticks the thumbstick any of the sort of six you can get have one piece of buffalo so I think I bought us explained everything to you about our different sticks and actually what they're called.


So I hope it helps you a bit with your stick my kin and possibly Czar's and affirm your questions because I do get or your questions as to what is what or what we call different things so hopefully explain a bit for you so good luck where you stick my gunoh and welcome to wooden sticks part 4 in this video what we'll be doing is bending buffalo horn to try and either make a crook or a market stick so that's the sort of thing we're looking to achieve no Walking Cane for Women shape nice little handle comfortable and it's a a buffalo horn not easier to work than ram's horn because you've got no always to contain me so that's what we're actually after making today so what we need is the buffalo horn is quite a dense solid or so it needs a lot of heat to actually get it to bend and more heat source my camera can get in on to it I'm just using a gas boiling ring an old pot stood on the top boy run away me horn is inside air hit Nelson hot that's been in there for about 45 minutes now so that's about ready now to actually come out and Bend.


So I'll talk you through a few more bits so that's how we normally get our buffalo horn to start we'd say very dense hard heavy so we need to trim it down we don't want to try and Bend all that so shuttle down to take it back off if you want to he'll lift on your handle like on the back of that one oh yeah not the square is for you if you leave a little bit of buffalo horn sticking out proud you've come out there with the saw that will end give you a feeling when you bend so take some of that thickness away so you've got nice so that actual sort of round about the thickness of your stick already finer so it's they do a little bit of work and then pop it into boiling water boil it for about three-quarters of an hour so once I spoiled then we can bend it and what we're actually looking for is only a horseshoe shape once I've got the horseshoe shape and it's gone cold we can alter it we can tighten it in further do a nose do all sorts of things but.