In Bangalore's RR Nagar, Birla Estates debuted Birla Ojasvi, an opulent apartment and rowhouse complex. The project consists of three large buildings, each with 33 stories, housing 630 apartments. The property includes five-bedroom row houses and opulent 1, 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments. In order to appeal to prospective customers and meet their needs, the pre-launch price is chosen.
Class of CSC
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- Kommentare 0 Anteile 51 Ansichten 0 VorschauPlease log in to like, share and comment! -的個人資料 - 魔方網ojasvibirla的個人資料 ,魔方網0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 34 Ansichten 0 Vorschau - Ojasvi Floor Plan |3 Towers 33 floors | 607 apartments 8 row villas | Size 450 - 3000 sq ftThe floor plan at Birla Ojasvi is set over sizes 450 - 1800 sq ft for 1, 2, and 3 BHK apartments and 3353 sq ft for 4 BHK Row Houses. There are 607 apartments spread over 3 towers of 33 floors. A separate block hosts 8-row houses. Get detailed information about the carpet area, SBA, and built-up area of units on the Birla Ojasvi floor plan page.0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 27 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
- Price | Birla Ojasvi RR Nagar | Early Bird Offer | DiscountBirla Ojasvi's Pre Launch price is Rs. 12,500 per sq. ft. In the pre launch stage, premium 1 BHK apartments start at 70 lakhs, and 2 BHK apartments start at Rs. 1.5 Cr and 3 BHK starts at Rs. 2.63 Cr. The Prelaunch Price of row houses starts from Rs. 5 Cr onwards at RR Nagar by Birla Estate. Valid till 26th Sep 2024.0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 29 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 29 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 29 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
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