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  • Online Money Lending Apps

    Explore the best online money lending apps so that the app can do borrow money from friends online. Download the SaveIN app to become the money lender & borrower within your trusted network of knowns.
    Online Money Lending Apps Explore the best online money lending apps so that the app can do borrow money from friends online. Download the SaveIN app to become the money lender & borrower within your trusted network of knowns.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 150 Views 0 Reviews

  • Social Finance Platform made Exclusively for Indians

    Lending and borrowing amongst trusted contacts have long been a preferred form of financing for many and this global phenomenon has been quite popular in India. Introducing your Social Finance platform that lets you transact, lend and borrow money, amongst your trusted contacts and network in a completely digital, fair, and organized manner.
    Social Finance Platform made Exclusively for Indians Lending and borrowing amongst trusted contacts have long been a preferred form of financing for many and this global phenomenon has been quite popular in India. Introducing your Social Finance platform that lets you transact, lend and borrow money, amongst your trusted contacts and network in a completely digital, fair, and organized manner.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 151 Views 0 Reviews
  • Advantages of Having Multiple Savings Accounts

    Savings accounts are the foundation of your banking experience. These accounts allow you to deposit your money with a bank and transact or withdraw your money. It is not unusual for people to have multiple savings accounts, but have you ever considered the benefits of having multiple accounts? Here are the 5 key benefits of having multiple accounts
    Advantages of Having Multiple Savings Accounts Savings accounts are the foundation of your banking experience. These accounts allow you to deposit your money with a bank and transact or withdraw your money. It is not unusual for people to have multiple savings accounts, but have you ever considered the benefits of having multiple accounts? Here are the 5 key benefits of having multiple accounts
    5 key advantages of having multiple Savings Accounts
    It is not unusual for people to have multiple savings accounts, but have you ever considered the benefits of having multiple accounts?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 135 Views 0 Reviews
  • Social Finance App - Lend and Borrow Money with your trusted network of friends.

    Find India’s first Social Finance platform, that facilitates lending and borrowing amongst people in their respective contact sets, and helps in making the entire process transparent, instant, and paperless.
    Social Finance App - Lend and Borrow Money with your trusted network of friends. Find India’s first Social Finance platform, that facilitates lending and borrowing amongst people in their respective contact sets, and helps in making the entire process transparent, instant, and paperless.
    Lending and borrowing amongst friends and acquaintances, the new trend
    Lending in close group which is oldest form of financing is now seen to be becoming increasingly popular across cities and rural centres alike
    0 Comments 0 Shares 223 Views 0 Reviews
  • Best Peer-to-Peer Lending App

    Find the best and most trusted peer to peer lending platform, where you can earn interest is now very easy with friends online among people in the same network, i.e., among friends, family, flatmates, office colleagues, business partners, or other acquaintances, through instant online peer to peer lending platforms.
    Best Peer-to-Peer Lending App Find the best and most trusted peer to peer lending platform, where you can earn interest is now very easy with friends online among people in the same network, i.e., among friends, family, flatmates, office colleagues, business partners, or other acquaintances, through instant online peer to peer lending platforms.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 356 Views 0 Reviews
  • Borrow Money From Friends Online

    Looking for the best social finance platform that Provide borrow money from friends online among people in the same network, i.e., among friends, family, flatmates, office colleagues, business partners, or other acquaintances.
    Borrow Money From Friends Online Looking for the best social finance platform that Provide borrow money from friends online among people in the same network, i.e., among friends, family, flatmates, office colleagues, business partners, or other acquaintances.
    Get Loans or Borrow Money from Friends, Family Online - SaveIN
    Get the loans between family members or borrow money from friends, family online through the SaveIN app. Experience the app by making a loan to a family member.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 263 Views 0 Reviews
  • Social finance - Get Personal Loan Without CIBIL Score

    Are you rejected for a personal loan as you don’t have a credit score? Say hello to Social Finance, Lending and borrowing money with your trusted network of friends.
    Social finance - Get Personal Loan Without CIBIL Score Are you rejected for a personal loan as you don’t have a credit score? Say hello to Social Finance, Lending and borrowing money with your trusted network of friends.
    Credit score - what if you don’t have a score at all?
    Most of the times, informally you may get to know that you either don’t have a credit score at all or your score is insufficient.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 216 Views 0 Reviews
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