Id encourage saving for saving and saving separate towards some big goals. If I had done this from the beginning of my working "career"I'd be so much better off. But hindsight's 20/20
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  • 0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 16 Views 0 Vista previa
  • Whenever I hear people say "charge him a bit but then hide it in a savings account to give him later" it makes me cringe. My dad did this to my older brother, but charged 50% of his income. There were times my brother asked for a break, or some help, cus he couldn't afford it. Stepmom said no, demanded the money. He was skipping meals to pay rent. When he left and they gave him the savings, he felt betrayed and unloved. It destroyed their trust.

    So please, be compassionate if you're gunna pull that move. Or just don't lie about where the money is going.
    Whenever I hear people say "charge him a bit but then hide it in a savings account to give him later" it makes me cringe. My dad did this to my older brother, but charged 50% of his income. There were times my brother asked for a break, or some help, cus he couldn't afford it. Stepmom said no, demanded the money. He was skipping meals to pay rent. When he left and they gave him the savings, he felt betrayed and unloved. It destroyed their trust. So please, be compassionate if you're gunna pull that move. Or just don't lie about where the money is going.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 85 Views 0 Vista previa
  • I wouldn’t do anything ask for anything more other than maybe his portion of the cell phone bill.

    Otherwise, it sounds like he’s doing well in school, going to class and in general being a good citizen. Help him set a budget and stick to it. Don’t be overbearing about it. He has to WANT it.
    I wouldn’t do anything ask for anything more other than maybe his portion of the cell phone bill. Otherwise, it sounds like he’s doing well in school, going to class and in general being a good citizen. Help him set a budget and stick to it. Don’t be overbearing about it. He has to WANT it.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 51 Views 0 Vista previa
  • Pay for his needs outside of room and board, with the understanding that he's is putting an agreed upon percentage away in savings for future FFEF, AND sinking funds for things like vehicle repairs
    Pay for his needs outside of room and board, with the understanding that he's is putting an agreed upon percentage away in savings for future FFEF, AND sinking funds for things like vehicle repairs
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 43 Views 0 Vista previa
  • We “charge” our commuting college attender 20 year old $300/month. She pays her way with everything else. We just put it in savings, but we feel it’s a step towards understanding that we expect her to move out. We have a contract with a 30 day right to make changes as well. Works for us.
    We “charge” our commuting college attender 20 year old $300/month. She pays her way with everything else. We just put it in savings, but we feel it’s a step towards understanding that we expect her to move out. We have a contract with a 30 day right to make changes as well. Works for us.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 70 Views 0 Vista previa
  • 0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 23 Views 0 Vista previa
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