I am Shreya Sehgal in Delhi Escorts. I am one of the top international models, and escorting is my profession and passion. I love being around handsome guys and of course, make some money out of it. I always take my career seriously and have been in the profession for a long time. So, if you want to have fun before pursuing to other areas of the country, ping me. I have fallen in love with the lifestyle; I am living and always enjoy it. I never look for a significant number of bookings and a perfect overnight booking is sufficient for me. I am sure to keep you engaged for the whole night with my finely crafted entertainment skills. I know that a deeper understanding of the client leads to much more fulfilling experience and thus, I hold a sensual discussion with the client and then do everything, which I need to do in a bid to satisfy him. In the escorting industry, experience speaks volumes. I am too young but I know what I am expected to do to satisfy you with ultimate fun. I am open for any style or pose, you desire for the most satisfying sex. I am ready for inbound or outbound calls and you can connect to me anytime. Log On to Our Website:- http://www.shreyasehgal.in/
  • 9 Δημοσιεύσεις
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  • Delhi Escorts στο delhi
  • ζει στην Delhi, India
  • Από delhi
  • μόνος
  • 15/04/1993
  • ακολουθείται από 1 μέλη
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