• CD34 positive cells, rare stem cells in human blood, can self-renew and transform into various blood cell types. Essential in treating lymphoma, leukemia, and blood disorders through hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), they are typically isolated from peripheral blood, making the process less invasive. Their potential extends to treating neurological and autoimmune diseases, with gene editing technologies promising future advancements.
    For more information, visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/145630917@N05/53814645603/in/dateposted-public/
    CD34 positive cells, rare stem cells in human blood, can self-renew and transform into various blood cell types. Essential in treating lymphoma, leukemia, and blood disorders through hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), they are typically isolated from peripheral blood, making the process less invasive. Their potential extends to treating neurological and autoimmune diseases, with gene editing technologies promising future advancements. For more information, visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/145630917@N05/53814645603/in/dateposted-public/
    CD34 positive cells, rare stem cells in human blood, can self-renew and transform into various blood cell types. Essential in treating lymphoma, leukemia, and blood disorders through hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), they are typically isolated from peripheral blood, making the process less invasive. Their potential extends to treating neurological and autoimmune diseases, with gene editing technologies promising future advancements. Learn more at www.Kosheeka.com
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 253 Views 0 önizleme
  • Curious About Arthritis Surgery? Let's Dive In!

    Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility in the joints. While there are various treatment options available to manage arthritis symptoms, severe cases may require joint replacement surgery to restore function and improve quality of life.

    Types of Arthritis Requiring Joint Replacement
    Joint replacement surgery is most commonly performed for the following types of arthritis:

    Osteoarthritis: This degenerative joint disease occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time, leading to pain and stiffness in the affected joint.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and eventual joint damage.

    Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Develops following a severe joint injury, such as a fracture or dislocation, leading to progressive joint deterioration over time.

    Other Inflammatory Arthritis Conditions: Conditions like psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis can also cause joint damage, necessitating joint replacement surgery in severe cases.

    Indications for Joint Replacement Surgery
    The decision to undergo joint replacement surgery is based on several factors, including:
    - The severity of arthritis symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, and loss of function.
    - Failure of conservative treatments like medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications to provide relief.
    - The impact of arthritis on daily activities and quality of life.

    The Joint Replacement Procedure
    The joint replacement procedure typically involves the following steps:
    Preoperative Evaluation: Patients undergo a thorough evaluation by their healthcare provider to assess their overall health and suitability for surgery.

    Surgical Technique: During surgery, the damaged joint is removed and replaced with a prosthetic implant made of metal, plastic, or ceramic materials.

    Types of Joint Replacement Implants: There are various types of joint replacement implants available, including total joint replacements and partial replacements, depending on the extent of joint damage.

    Postoperative Care and Rehabilitation: After surgery, patients undergo a period of rehabilitation, including physical therapy and exercises to restore joint function and mobility.

    Advancements in Joint Replacement Surgery
    Advancements in surgical techniques, implant materials, and postoperative care have led to improved outcomes and reduced complication rates for joint replacement surgery. Patients can expect shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and better long-term outcomes compared to previous decades.
    Joint replacement surgery is a highly effective treatment option for individuals with severe arthritis that significantly impacts their quality of life. By understanding the indications for surgery, potential risks, and advancements in surgical techniques, patients can make informed decisions about their treatment options in collaboration with their healthcare providers. Additionally, for those dealing with Herniated Disc, which can also severely affect mobility and quality of life, early intervention and appropriate rehabilitation measures are crucial to prevent long-term complications and to promote optimal healing. Consulting with healthcare professionals about the best course of action for both joint replacement and sprains ensures personalised care tailored to each individual's needs.

    Curious About Arthritis Surgery? Let's Dive In! Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility in the joints. While there are various treatment options available to manage arthritis symptoms, severe cases may require joint replacement surgery to restore function and improve quality of life. Types of Arthritis Requiring Joint Replacement Joint replacement surgery is most commonly performed for the following types of arthritis: Osteoarthritis: This degenerative joint disease occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time, leading to pain and stiffness in the affected joint. Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and eventual joint damage. Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Develops following a severe joint injury, such as a fracture or dislocation, leading to progressive joint deterioration over time. Other Inflammatory Arthritis Conditions: Conditions like psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis can also cause joint damage, necessitating joint replacement surgery in severe cases. Indications for Joint Replacement Surgery The decision to undergo joint replacement surgery is based on several factors, including: - The severity of arthritis symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, and loss of function. - Failure of conservative treatments like medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications to provide relief. - The impact of arthritis on daily activities and quality of life. The Joint Replacement Procedure The joint replacement procedure typically involves the following steps: Preoperative Evaluation: Patients undergo a thorough evaluation by their healthcare provider to assess their overall health and suitability for surgery. Surgical Technique: During surgery, the damaged joint is removed and replaced with a prosthetic implant made of metal, plastic, or ceramic materials. Types of Joint Replacement Implants: There are various types of joint replacement implants available, including total joint replacements and partial replacements, depending on the extent of joint damage. Postoperative Care and Rehabilitation: After surgery, patients undergo a period of rehabilitation, including physical therapy and exercises to restore joint function and mobility. Advancements in Joint Replacement Surgery Advancements in surgical techniques, implant materials, and postoperative care have led to improved outcomes and reduced complication rates for joint replacement surgery. Patients can expect shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and better long-term outcomes compared to previous decades. Conclusion: Joint replacement surgery is a highly effective treatment option for individuals with severe arthritis that significantly impacts their quality of life. By understanding the indications for surgery, potential risks, and advancements in surgical techniques, patients can make informed decisions about their treatment options in collaboration with their healthcare providers. Additionally, for those dealing with Herniated Disc, which can also severely affect mobility and quality of life, early intervention and appropriate rehabilitation measures are crucial to prevent long-term complications and to promote optimal healing. Consulting with healthcare professionals about the best course of action for both joint replacement and sprains ensures personalised care tailored to each individual's needs.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 346 Views 0 önizleme
  • Spotting Anemia: The Coombs Test Explained

    The Coombs Test – Direct (DCT), also referred to as the Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT), serves as a critical diagnostic tool in the realm of hematology, particularly in the assessment of hemolytic anemias and immune-related disorders. This test holds significant importance in identifying antibodies or complement proteins attached to the surface of red blood cells (RBCs), thereby aiding in the accurate diagnosis and subsequent management of various conditions across different age groups. Familiarity with the principles, procedural aspects, clinical significance, and treatment implications of the Coombs test is imperative for healthcare professionals catering to patients spanning all age demographics.

    Diagnosis and Treatment Across Age Groups:

    Newborns and Infants:
    In neonates suspected of having hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) due to Rh or ABO incompatibility, early administration of the Coombs test – Direct (DCT) shortly after birth plays a pivotal role. Positive outcomes from this test serve as guiding indicators for healthcare providers in managing jaundice and anemia effectively in affected infants.

    Children and Adolescents:
    While autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is relatively less common in children and adolescents, the occurrence is not entirely rare. Symptoms such as fatigue, pallor, and jaundice may prompt healthcare professionals to order the Coombs test. A positive result aids in confirming immune-mediated hemolysis, thus facilitating the initiation of appropriate treatment strategies.

    Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) emerges as a more prevalent concern in adults, particularly among individuals aged 40 years and above. Adults presenting with symptoms indicative of hemolytic anemia or suspected immune-related disorders, including fatigue, jaundice, and dark urine, are likely candidates for undergoing the Coombs test – Direct (DCT) to assess underlying autoimmune processes.

    Elderly Population:
    With advancing age, elderly individuals face an increased risk of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). Symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and weakness, may be erroneously attributed to age-related decline. However, the Coombs test serves as a reliable tool in distinguishing immune-mediated hemolysis from other potential causes of anemia in this demographic.

    Treatment Implications:

    Newborns and Infants:
    The management of HDN in neonates primarily involves phototherapy for jaundice and, in severe cases, exchange transfusion to eliminate maternal antibodies. The identification of maternal antibodies through the Coombs test directs appropriate treatment interventions tailored to the individual needs of the neonate.

    Children and Adolescents:
    In pediatric patients diagnosed with AIHA, corticosteroids often serve as the frontline therapy to suppress immune-mediated hemolysis. For refractory cases, alternative options such as other immunosuppressive agents or splenectomy may be considered under the purview of healthcare professionals.

    Adults diagnosed with AIHA typically receive corticosteroids as the initial treatment modality aimed at mitigating autoantibody production. In cases where steroid therapy proves ineffective, additional therapeutic avenues such as immunosuppressive agents (e.g., rituximab) or splenectomy may be warranted to achieve favorable treatment outcomes.

    Elderly Population:
    Treatment approaches for AIHA in elderly individuals align closely with those employed in adult populations, with corticosteroids occupying a central role in therapy. However, it is essential to factor in the presence of comorbidities and potential treatment-related side effects when formulating management strategies for this age group.

    In conclusion, the Coombs Test – Direct (DCT) emerges as an indispensable tool for both diagnosing and managing hemolytic anemias and immune-related disorders across diverse age groups. By taking into account age-specific considerations in the diagnostic and therapeutic realms, healthcare providers can effectively tailor management strategies to optimize patient outcomes. Collaborative endeavors between healthcare professionals remain paramount in ensuring the delivery of comprehensive care to individuals of all ages grappling with these conditions.

    Reference : https://labs.medicasapp.com/in/product/coombs-test-direct-dct/
    Spotting Anemia: The Coombs Test Explained The Coombs Test – Direct (DCT), also referred to as the Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT), serves as a critical diagnostic tool in the realm of hematology, particularly in the assessment of hemolytic anemias and immune-related disorders. This test holds significant importance in identifying antibodies or complement proteins attached to the surface of red blood cells (RBCs), thereby aiding in the accurate diagnosis and subsequent management of various conditions across different age groups. Familiarity with the principles, procedural aspects, clinical significance, and treatment implications of the Coombs test is imperative for healthcare professionals catering to patients spanning all age demographics. Diagnosis and Treatment Across Age Groups: Newborns and Infants: In neonates suspected of having hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) due to Rh or ABO incompatibility, early administration of the Coombs test – Direct (DCT) shortly after birth plays a pivotal role. Positive outcomes from this test serve as guiding indicators for healthcare providers in managing jaundice and anemia effectively in affected infants. Children and Adolescents: While autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is relatively less common in children and adolescents, the occurrence is not entirely rare. Symptoms such as fatigue, pallor, and jaundice may prompt healthcare professionals to order the Coombs test. A positive result aids in confirming immune-mediated hemolysis, thus facilitating the initiation of appropriate treatment strategies. Adults: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) emerges as a more prevalent concern in adults, particularly among individuals aged 40 years and above. Adults presenting with symptoms indicative of hemolytic anemia or suspected immune-related disorders, including fatigue, jaundice, and dark urine, are likely candidates for undergoing the Coombs test – Direct (DCT) to assess underlying autoimmune processes. Elderly Population: With advancing age, elderly individuals face an increased risk of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). Symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and weakness, may be erroneously attributed to age-related decline. However, the Coombs test serves as a reliable tool in distinguishing immune-mediated hemolysis from other potential causes of anemia in this demographic. Treatment Implications: Newborns and Infants: The management of HDN in neonates primarily involves phototherapy for jaundice and, in severe cases, exchange transfusion to eliminate maternal antibodies. The identification of maternal antibodies through the Coombs test directs appropriate treatment interventions tailored to the individual needs of the neonate. Children and Adolescents: In pediatric patients diagnosed with AIHA, corticosteroids often serve as the frontline therapy to suppress immune-mediated hemolysis. For refractory cases, alternative options such as other immunosuppressive agents or splenectomy may be considered under the purview of healthcare professionals. Adults: Adults diagnosed with AIHA typically receive corticosteroids as the initial treatment modality aimed at mitigating autoantibody production. In cases where steroid therapy proves ineffective, additional therapeutic avenues such as immunosuppressive agents (e.g., rituximab) or splenectomy may be warranted to achieve favorable treatment outcomes. Elderly Population: Treatment approaches for AIHA in elderly individuals align closely with those employed in adult populations, with corticosteroids occupying a central role in therapy. However, it is essential to factor in the presence of comorbidities and potential treatment-related side effects when formulating management strategies for this age group. Conclusion: In conclusion, the Coombs Test – Direct (DCT) emerges as an indispensable tool for both diagnosing and managing hemolytic anemias and immune-related disorders across diverse age groups. By taking into account age-specific considerations in the diagnostic and therapeutic realms, healthcare providers can effectively tailor management strategies to optimize patient outcomes. Collaborative endeavors between healthcare professionals remain paramount in ensuring the delivery of comprehensive care to individuals of all ages grappling with these conditions. Reference : https://labs.medicasapp.com/in/product/coombs-test-direct-dct/
    Coombs Test Direct Dct Test - Procedure, Price, Normal Range | Medicas
    Book Coombs Test Direct Dct test at Medicas. Know the details like procedure, cost, normal range, when should you take the test and get detailed report.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 492 Views 0 önizleme
  • About Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's
    Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's belongs to a group of medicines called the biliary agents or gall stone dissolution agents used to treat gall stones, primary biliary cholangitis (an autoimmune disease of the liver), excess cholesterol in bile and children above 6years with biliary and liver diseases caused by cystic fibrosis.
    Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's contains ursodeoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring bile acid. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's helps decrease the production of cholesterol in the blood, thereby dissolving gall bladder stones composed mainly of cholesterol. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's has a protective effect on the liver cells from injury caused due to toxic bile acids and improves liver function.
    Take Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's with food. You are advised to take Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's for as long as your doctor has prescribed it for you depending on your medical condition. In some cases, you may experience certain common side-effects such as abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, rash, dizziness, indigestion and weakness. Most of these side-effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. However, you are advised to talk to your doctor if you experience these side-effects persistently.
    Inform your doctor before taking Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's if you have variceal bleeding (high blood pressure in portal veins), ascites (excess abdominal fluid), liver encephalopathy or liver disease. Do not take Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless prescribed. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's can be given to children above 6 years if prescribed by the doctor. Avoid consuming alcohol along with Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's as it could lead to increased drowsiness and liver damage. Keep your doctor informed about your health condition and medicines to rule out any side-effects.
    Uses of Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's
    Gall stones, primary biliary cholangitis and biliary and liver diseases caused by cystic fibrosis.
    Medicinal Benefits
    Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's contains ursodeoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring bile acid. It belongs to a group of medicines called the biliary agent or gall stone dissolution agents used to treat gall stones, primary biliary cholangitis (an autoimmune disease of the liver), excess cholesterol in bile children above 6 years with biliary and liver diseases caused by cystic fibrosis. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's breaks down the cholesterol that has formed into gall bladder stones, thereby dissolves the stones. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's has a protective effect on the liver cells and the immune system, thereby improving liver function. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's decreases the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver and absorbed by the intestine. In patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's increases the bile flow.
    Directions for Use
    Udiliv 450mg Tablet/Capsule: Swallow it as a whole with a glass of water; do not chew, or crush the tablet/capsule.Syrup/Suspension/Drops: Take the prescribed dose by mouth using the measuring cup/dosing syringe/dropper; shake the pack well before each use.Dispersible tablet: Disperse the tablet in water and consume it.
    Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight
    Side Effects of Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's
    Abdominal discomfort
    Abdominal pain
    Black or tarry stools
    Frequent and painful urination
    About Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's https://genericbucket.com/product/udiliv-450mg-tablet-ursodeoxycholic-acid/ Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's belongs to a group of medicines called the biliary agents or gall stone dissolution agents used to treat gall stones, primary biliary cholangitis (an autoimmune disease of the liver), excess cholesterol in bile and children above 6years with biliary and liver diseases caused by cystic fibrosis. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's contains ursodeoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring bile acid. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's helps decrease the production of cholesterol in the blood, thereby dissolving gall bladder stones composed mainly of cholesterol. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's has a protective effect on the liver cells from injury caused due to toxic bile acids and improves liver function. Take Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's with food. You are advised to take Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's for as long as your doctor has prescribed it for you depending on your medical condition. In some cases, you may experience certain common side-effects such as abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, rash, dizziness, indigestion and weakness. Most of these side-effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. However, you are advised to talk to your doctor if you experience these side-effects persistently. Inform your doctor before taking Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's if you have variceal bleeding (high blood pressure in portal veins), ascites (excess abdominal fluid), liver encephalopathy or liver disease. Do not take Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless prescribed. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's can be given to children above 6 years if prescribed by the doctor. Avoid consuming alcohol along with Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's as it could lead to increased drowsiness and liver damage. Keep your doctor informed about your health condition and medicines to rule out any side-effects. Uses of Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's Gall stones, primary biliary cholangitis and biliary and liver diseases caused by cystic fibrosis. Medicinal Benefits Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's contains ursodeoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring bile acid. It belongs to a group of medicines called the biliary agent or gall stone dissolution agents used to treat gall stones, primary biliary cholangitis (an autoimmune disease of the liver), excess cholesterol in bile children above 6 years with biliary and liver diseases caused by cystic fibrosis. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's breaks down the cholesterol that has formed into gall bladder stones, thereby dissolves the stones. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's has a protective effect on the liver cells and the immune system, thereby improving liver function. Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's decreases the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver and absorbed by the intestine. In patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's increases the bile flow. Directions for Use Udiliv 450mg Tablet/Capsule: Swallow it as a whole with a glass of water; do not chew, or crush the tablet/capsule.Syrup/Suspension/Drops: Take the prescribed dose by mouth using the measuring cup/dosing syringe/dropper; shake the pack well before each use.Dispersible tablet: Disperse the tablet in water and consume it. Storage Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight Side Effects of Udiliv 450mg Tablet 10's Abdominal discomfort Abdominal pain Diarrhoea Nausea Fever Cough Rash Dizziness Indigestion Black or tarry stools Frequent and painful urination Weakness.
    Udiliv 450mg | Ursodeoxycholic Acid (450mg) | genericbucket
    Udiliv 450mg Tablet is a medicine used to dissolve certain types of gallstones, to prevent them from forming and to treat a type of liver disease called primary biliary cirrhosis.genericbucket.com
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 459 Views 0 önizleme
  • Walk into the best Hospital to get Nephrotic Syndrome treatment in Chennai. Book an appointment at Dr Rathoon's Hospital now.

    Discover exceptional nephrotic syndrome treatment in Chennai's leading hospital. Our expert medical team offers advanced care and personalized treatment plans to manage this condition effectively. Find hope and healing with our comprehensive approach to nephrotic syndrome care.

    #nephroticsyndrome #minimalchangedisease #kidneydisease #kidneywarrior #nephrology #fsgs #kidneyhealth #lupus #ckd #autoimmunedisease #kidney #chronicillness #prednisone #remission #nephrologist #autoimmune #mcd #edema #antiphospholipidsyndrome #fatigue #health #kidneystrong #kidneytransplant #dialysis #multiplesclerosis #kidneys #chronickidneydisease #kidneyawareness #lupusnephritis #fsgsmemes

    Learn More: https://drrathoons.com/nephrotic-syndrome-treatment-chennai
    Walk into the best Hospital to get Nephrotic Syndrome treatment in Chennai. Book an appointment at Dr Rathoon's Hospital now. Discover exceptional nephrotic syndrome treatment in Chennai's leading hospital. Our expert medical team offers advanced care and personalized treatment plans to manage this condition effectively. Find hope and healing with our comprehensive approach to nephrotic syndrome care. #nephroticsyndrome #minimalchangedisease #kidneydisease #kidneywarrior #nephrology #fsgs #kidneyhealth #lupus #ckd #autoimmunedisease #kidney #chronicillness #prednisone #remission #nephrologist #autoimmune #mcd #edema #antiphospholipidsyndrome #fatigue #health #kidneystrong #kidneytransplant #dialysis #multiplesclerosis #kidneys #chronickidneydisease #kidneyawareness #lupusnephritis #fsgsmemes Learn More: https://drrathoons.com/nephrotic-syndrome-treatment-chennai
    Chennai's Best Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment Hospital
    Walk into the best Hospital to get Nephrotic Syndrome treatment in Chennai. Book an appointment at Dr Rathoon's Hospital now.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1551 Views 0 önizleme
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-autoimmune-disease-diagnosis-market
    Autoimmune Disease Diagnosis Market Size, Global Scope, Trends & Impact by 2029
    Autoimmune disease diagnosis market has forecasted a CAGR of 8.15% and a value of $8.46 billion USD, forecast reports based on product & service, illness, end-use & test.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 140 Views 0 önizleme
  • Dr. David Khasidy, MD, is a board-certified primary care physician and internist at Medex Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Forest Hills. Dr. Khasidy is dedicated to providing the highest-quality care and comfort for his patients in Queens and the greater New York City area. He offers a full range of care options for many medical conditions, including abscesses, adrenal fatigue, back pain, high blood pressure, knee pain, autoimmune diseases, headaches, and addiction.

    After earning his medical degree at the Tbilisi State Medical University in Tbilisi, Georgia, Dr. Khasidy came to the United States to complete his residency in internal medicine at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens. He is well-versed in the most effective and cutting-edge treatments in his field, in addition to being highly skilled in the diagnosis and care of acute and chronic illnesses.

    Dr. Khasidy is passionate about preventive care options and patient education. He ensures all patients receive the information they need to make informed health decisions and is committed to providing patients with individual attention and comprehensive care so they can enjoy optimal health throughout their lives.

    Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center
    111-29 Queens Blvd,
    Queens, NY 11375
    (718) 275-8900

    Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/P9drFAKbbXpwVDxG9
    https://plus.codes/87G8P596+MQ Queens
    Nearby Locations:
    Forest Hills | Rego Park | Kew Gardens Hills | Briardwood | Kew Gardens
    11375 | 11374 | 11367 | 11435 | 11415

    Working Hours:
    Monday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM
    Tuesday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM
    Wednesday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM
    Thursday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM
    Friday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM
    Saturday: 09.00AM - 04.00PM
    Sunday: Closed

    Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
    Dr. David Khasidy, MD, is a board-certified primary care physician and internist at Medex Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Forest Hills. Dr. Khasidy is dedicated to providing the highest-quality care and comfort for his patients in Queens and the greater New York City area. He offers a full range of care options for many medical conditions, including abscesses, adrenal fatigue, back pain, high blood pressure, knee pain, autoimmune diseases, headaches, and addiction. After earning his medical degree at the Tbilisi State Medical University in Tbilisi, Georgia, Dr. Khasidy came to the United States to complete his residency in internal medicine at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens. He is well-versed in the most effective and cutting-edge treatments in his field, in addition to being highly skilled in the diagnosis and care of acute and chronic illnesses. Dr. Khasidy is passionate about preventive care options and patient education. He ensures all patients receive the information they need to make informed health decisions and is committed to providing patients with individual attention and comprehensive care so they can enjoy optimal health throughout their lives. Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center 111-29 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY 11375 (718) 275-8900 https://www.medexdtc.com/ https://medexdtc.business.site/ Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/P9drFAKbbXpwVDxG9 https://plus.codes/87G8P596+MQ Queens Nearby Locations: Forest Hills | Rego Park | Kew Gardens Hills | Briardwood | Kew Gardens 11375 | 11374 | 11367 | 11435 | 11415 Working Hours: Monday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM Tuesday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM Wednesday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM Thursday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM Friday: 09.00AM - 08.00PM Saturday: 09.00AM - 04.00PM Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 380 Views 0 önizleme
  • Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey
    Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey is a rheumatologist in Srinagar who is well-trained & dedicated. He specializes in musculoskeletal conditions in adults, ranging from hip & back pain to autoimmune inflammatory type. He aims to provide affordable & excellent treatment to all segments of society. Dr. Ashaq has experience in treating complex & challenging rheumatology cases. He treats conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, post-viral arthritis, soft tissue rheumatism, spondyloarthritis, lupus, & other autoimmune diseases. Dr. Ashaq is the best doctor for Rheumatology in Srinagar, dedicated to enhancing your well-being. Contact us to book an appointment with the best rheumatologist in Srinagar.

    GMB- https://maps.app.goo.gl/f5ZaDVLiqK1qNkxn8
    Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey is a rheumatologist in Srinagar who is well-trained & dedicated. He specializes in musculoskeletal conditions in adults, ranging from hip & back pain to autoimmune inflammatory type. He aims to provide affordable & excellent treatment to all segments of society. Dr. Ashaq has experience in treating complex & challenging rheumatology cases. He treats conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, post-viral arthritis, soft tissue rheumatism, spondyloarthritis, lupus, & other autoimmune diseases. Dr. Ashaq is the best doctor for Rheumatology in Srinagar, dedicated to enhancing your well-being. Contact us to book an appointment with the best rheumatologist in Srinagar. GMB- https://maps.app.goo.gl/f5ZaDVLiqK1qNkxn8
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 287 Views 0 önizleme
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-autoimmune-disease-diagnosis-market
    Autoimmune Disease Diagnosis Market Size, Global Scope, Trends & Impact by 2029
    Autoimmune disease diagnosis market has forecasted a CAGR of 8.15% and a value of $8.46 billion USD, forecast reports based on product & service, illness, end-use & test.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 106 Views 0 önizleme
    The most well-known form of steroids is the anabolic steroids often used by athletes and bodybuilders. But did you know steroids are much more commonly used for medical purposes? Steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed for inflammatory diseases like eczema, arthritis, asthma, and autoimmune diseases. Various types of steroids help control your swelling and immune response.
    for more :- https://myacare.com/blog/steroids-when-and-why-they-are-prescribed
    STEROIDS: WHEN AND WHY THEY ARE PRESCRIBED - Mya Care The most well-known form of steroids is the anabolic steroids often used by athletes and bodybuilders. But did you know steroids are much more commonly used for medical purposes? Steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed for inflammatory diseases like eczema, arthritis, asthma, and autoimmune diseases. Various types of steroids help control your swelling and immune response. for more :- https://myacare.com/blog/steroids-when-and-why-they-are-prescribed
    Steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for inflammatory diseases. Click here to learn why they are prescribed and how you can safely stop using them.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 309 Views 0 önizleme
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