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  • What is the best app in India for keeping track of your online khata?
    Every person in business today knows the importance of keeping a digital khata book. It is the new way of keeping accounts for the business. Not so long ago, hours were spent doing business accounting manually, loads of money were spent to keep the registers safe and hours were spent later to retrieve any information from the pile. The digital khata took away all this pain. Digital accounting...
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  • Digichal App Benefits | Digital Khata for Small Business
    digital khata The businessman can now keep hisab online instead of doing it manually with Digichal's digital khata book app. Any business faces the risk of losing manual registers or making mistakes when calculating. With the help of this app, you can easily record all the transactions done in your business. This work was traditionally done manually in diaries, where transactions were...
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  • It is important for business owners to keep track of various accounts, and the digital udhar khata app simplifies it. Every business makes many daily transactions. It is tedious to make entries in a register and then shuffle through pages of documents to find out how much we earned and how much someone owes us. By creating a digital khata you can access all of your transactions at any time. It alsome, you can keep expenses and sale digital khata to check the details of any transaction. In addition, you can create balance sheets and compare them with the transactions. You can easily enter the details of the udhaar given to the customers. Once the information is saved, apps like Digichal send an automatic payment reminder on the due date. In short, the digital udhar khata app helps you record all your business transactions and keep a track of the payments due. While using the app, you don't need to hire tally executives or CAs since you can easily keep track of all of your financial transactions in just a few clicks and produce reports to h helps you to generate a simple ledger in seconds. With the help of the app, you elp you plan well for the future.
    It is important for business owners to keep track of various accounts, and the digital udhar khata app simplifies it. Every business makes many daily transactions. It is tedious to make entries in a register and then shuffle through pages of documents to find out how much we earned and how much someone owes us. By creating a digital khata you can access all of your transactions at any time. It alsome, you can keep expenses and sale digital khata to check the details of any transaction. In addition, you can create balance sheets and compare them with the transactions. You can easily enter the details of the udhaar given to the customers. Once the information is saved, apps like Digichal send an automatic payment reminder on the due date. In short, the digital udhar khata app helps you record all your business transactions and keep a track of the payments due. While using the app, you don't need to hire tally executives or CAs since you can easily keep track of all of your financial transactions in just a few clicks and produce reports to h helps you to generate a simple ledger in seconds. With the help of the app, you elp you plan well for the future.
    आसान,सुरक्षित Digichal डिजिटल खाता|बिक्री-खर्च-उधार खाता ऐप
    पुराने बही खाते को Digichal ऑनलाइन खाता में बदलें|100% मुफ़्त|आसान और सुरक्षित|बिक्री,खर्च,उधार रिकॉर्ड करें|डिजिटल दुकान से ऑनलाइन स्टोर बनाएं|उधार खाता ऐप से पेमेंट रिमाइंडर भेजें
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  • Go online with Digichal: Set up your own digital dukaan in minutes
    What if I tell you that creating an online store is as easy as starting a digital khata business? Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself. All you have to do is download the DigiChal app and you get a digital khata app with the feature to create your own online store.    With the changing times, it’s imperative to change how you do business. To quote an example, let’s...
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  • यह सब और साथ मैं डिजिटल दुकान बनाने का फीचर भी ऐप मैं उपलभद है| दुकान में बिकने वाले समान का कैटलॉग बनाना कर अपने ऑनलाइन स्टोर पर साझा करें और बिक्री शुरू करें| दुकान का लिंक शेयर करते ही हर नए ऑर्डर पर अलर्ट प्राप्त करें|

    Digichal का खाता ऐप, डिजिटल होने में और आपको अपना व्यवसाय बढ़ाने में मदद करता है|
    यह सब और साथ मैं डिजिटल दुकान बनाने का फीचर भी ऐप मैं उपलभद है| दुकान में बिकने वाले समान का कैटलॉग बनाना कर अपने ऑनलाइन स्टोर पर साझा करें और बिक्री शुरू करें| दुकान का लिंक शेयर करते ही हर नए ऑर्डर पर अलर्ट प्राप्त करें| Digichal का खाता ऐप, डिजिटल होने में और आपको अपना व्यवसाय बढ़ाने में मदद करता है|
    DigiChal Online Shop & Khaata - Apps on Google Play
    Secure mobile app to create Online Website for stores & manage Credit & Debit
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  • अब घंटों में नहीं, बस एक क्लिक में Digichal खाता ऐप आपके बही खाते का हिसाब बनाने में आपकी मदद करे| ना कगाज़, ना रजिस्टर; बस आपका फोन करेगा समय और पैसे दोनों की बचत| एक ऐप जो आपके पुराने बही खाते से कहीं गुना सुरक्षित और सरल है| आईए जाने, भला कैसे एक डिजिटल खाता ऐप पर आप अपने कारोबार का सब हिसाब किताब रख सकते हैं और जब चाहें उसे देख भी सकते हैं|
    अब घंटों में नहीं, बस एक क्लिक में Digichal खाता ऐप आपके बही खाते का हिसाब बनाने में आपकी मदद करे| ना कगाज़, ना रजिस्टर; बस आपका फोन करेगा समय और पैसे दोनों की बचत| एक ऐप जो आपके पुराने बही खाते से कहीं गुना सुरक्षित और सरल है| आईए जाने, भला कैसे एक डिजिटल खाता ऐप पर आप अपने कारोबार का सब हिसाब किताब रख सकते हैं और जब चाहें उसे देख भी सकते हैं|
    आसान,सुरक्षित Digichal डिजिटल खाता|बिक्री-खर्च-उधार खाता ऐप
    पुराने बही खाते को Digichal ऑनलाइन खाता में बदलें|100% मुफ़्त|आसान और सुरक्षित|बिक्री,खर्च,उधार रिकॉर्ड करें|डिजिटल दुकान से ऑनलाइन स्टोर बनाएं|उधार खाता ऐप से पेमेंट रिमाइंडर भेजें
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  • अब आपके बही-खाता का हिसाब रखेगा आपका Digichal खाता app, जानिए कैसे
    अब घंटों में नहीं, बस एक क्लिक में Digichal खाता ऐप आपके बही खाते का हिसाब बनाने में आपकी मदद करे| ना कगाज़, ना रजिस्टर; बस आपका फोन करेगा समय और पैसे दोनों की बचत| एक ऐप जो आपके पुराने बही खाते से कहीं गुना सुरक्षित और सरल है| आईए जाने, भला कैसे एक डिजिटल खाता ऐप पर आप अपने कारोबार का सब हिसाब किताब रख सकते हैं और जब चाहें उसे देख भी सकते हैं|        कारोबार छोटा...
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  • The immediate response to increasing online demand to buy and sell was to join hands with big online marketplaces. These marketplaces already had an established brand online and a huge customer base. Small and medium-sized businesses started selling their products through the medium of these big giants. The setup, though easy to adapt to, was full of challenges.

    The primary one was getting lost in the crowd. Many similar businesses were selling similar products are varied prices. It is difficult to stand out or create customer loyalty. The second challenge was the commission paid to the marketplace owners. Even after so much effort, there was no guarantee that the customer would come back again.

    As a result, many started creating their own website and running their business from the same. But this was again possible for a privileged few or the technically equipped ones. They would either hire a third party to get the website up and running or hire a person to run the show.

    As said earlier, when we talk about small and medium business owners, they are the ones who started their businesses with limited capital. The ones who didn’t even know how to convert their existing bahi khata into a digital khata.

    Thanks to companies such as Digichal who developed a platform that covered most of the businesses and was easy to use. Apps like digichal offer a wide range of solutions for small and medium-sized businessmen. Their app allows them to create digital khata and at the same time create a free online digital store.

    How to use Nukkad Dukaan to create digital dukaan online?

    Nukkad dukaan is an app like Digichal that offers a platform to convert their offline shop into an online one, that too free of cost. The app provides options to create the list of items you sell and then use the app to track and manage orders.
    The immediate response to increasing online demand to buy and sell was to join hands with big online marketplaces. These marketplaces already had an established brand online and a huge customer base. Small and medium-sized businesses started selling their products through the medium of these big giants. The setup, though easy to adapt to, was full of challenges. The primary one was getting lost in the crowd. Many similar businesses were selling similar products are varied prices. It is difficult to stand out or create customer loyalty. The second challenge was the commission paid to the marketplace owners. Even after so much effort, there was no guarantee that the customer would come back again. As a result, many started creating their own website and running their business from the same. But this was again possible for a privileged few or the technically equipped ones. They would either hire a third party to get the website up and running or hire a person to run the show. As said earlier, when we talk about small and medium business owners, they are the ones who started their businesses with limited capital. The ones who didn’t even know how to convert their existing bahi khata into a digital khata. Thanks to companies such as Digichal who developed a platform that covered most of the businesses and was easy to use. Apps like digichal offer a wide range of solutions for small and medium-sized businessmen. Their app allows them to create digital khata and at the same time create a free online digital store. How to use Nukkad Dukaan to create digital dukaan online? Nukkad dukaan is an app like Digichal that offers a platform to convert their offline shop into an online one, that too free of cost. The app provides options to create the list of items you sell and then use the app to track and manage orders.
    आसान,सुरक्षित Digichal डिजिटल खाता|बिक्री-खर्च-उधार खाता ऐप
    पुराने बही खाते को Digichal ऑनलाइन खाता में बदलें|100% मुफ़्त|आसान और सुरक्षित|बिक्री,खर्च,उधार रिकॉर्ड करें|डिजिटल दुकान से ऑनलाइन स्टोर बनाएं|उधार खाता ऐप से पेमेंट रिमाइंडर भेजें
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  • Features of online dukaan app

    Nukaad Dukaan or Digital dukaan provides the following:

    1. A way to create a menu that can be shared with customers. You can add items to the menu along with the prices and other details.
    2. You can offer discounts or create promotional codes for the offers you make.
    3. You can share the link of your online dukaan and get orders.
    4. You can receive, accept/reject, and update the status of the orders through the app.
    5. You can receive payments directly from the customers online into your bank account.

    Using the same app, you can also transform your old manual bahi khata into a digital khata. You can record your sales, expenses, and udhaar details.

    How to use the app?

    Similar to the digital khata business, the dukaan app is simple and easy to use. All you need is to enter the details of your business to create an online store. The menu can be added once you have entered your business address.

    Apps like Digichal offer both digital khata business and online store options in one app. In 3 easy steps, you can start selling your products through your own online store.

    Step 1: Add your business details.
    Step 2: Create a menu by adding items manually or you can also use a readymade catalog.
    Step 3: Generate the store link and share it with your customers.

    Who can use the online dukaan feature?

    Just like a digital khata business, anyone can use this feature to create an online store and easily sell their products. Irrespective of the business size, anyone can download apps like Digichal and transform their physical shop into an online store.

    Whether you are a retailer, wholesaler distributor, or manufacturer. All you need is to download the app and create your online store free of cost with zero commission.
    Features of online dukaan app Nukaad Dukaan or Digital dukaan provides the following: 1. A way to create a menu that can be shared with customers. You can add items to the menu along with the prices and other details. 2. You can offer discounts or create promotional codes for the offers you make. 3. You can share the link of your online dukaan and get orders. 4. You can receive, accept/reject, and update the status of the orders through the app. 5. You can receive payments directly from the customers online into your bank account. Using the same app, you can also transform your old manual bahi khata into a digital khata. You can record your sales, expenses, and udhaar details. How to use the app? Similar to the digital khata business, the dukaan app is simple and easy to use. All you need is to enter the details of your business to create an online store. The menu can be added once you have entered your business address. Apps like Digichal offer both digital khata business and online store options in one app. In 3 easy steps, you can start selling your products through your own online store. Step 1: Add your business details. Step 2: Create a menu by adding items manually or you can also use a readymade catalog. Step 3: Generate the store link and share it with your customers. Who can use the online dukaan feature? Just like a digital khata business, anyone can use this feature to create an online store and easily sell their products. Irrespective of the business size, anyone can download apps like Digichal and transform their physical shop into an online store. Whether you are a retailer, wholesaler distributor, or manufacturer. All you need is to download the app and create your online store free of cost with zero commission.
    DigiChal Online Shop & Khaata - Apps on Google Play
    Secure mobile app to create Online Website for stores & manage Credit & Debit
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1262 Views 0 Reviews
  • डिजिटल खाता बुक — लेजर अकाउंट बुक, उधार बही खाता का विवरण
      करूबर के सभी हिसाब किताब को अब डिजिटल खाता डायरी में बदलें| बिक्री से ले कर खर्च तक और ग्राहक की जानकारी से ले कर उधार के भुकतान तक, कारोबार के हर लेन देन को आप आसानी से सेव कर सकते हैं| डिजिटल खाता हर कारोबार के लिए फाईदेमंद है| अपने पुराने बही खाते की जगह अपने कारोबार की जानकारी डिजिटल रखिए और सुरक्षित रहिए|    कारोबार का सबसे अहम पहलो होता है उधार| कोई भी कारोबार हो, उधार...
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